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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 17, 1792

Remarks Friday 17th August 1792

 1 pm: Fair and Pleasant but the Sun generally Clouded

 5 pm: Let fresh Water into the Ship and Worked the Pumps as usual to ventilate the Ship.

 7 pm: In Steering Sails and 1st Reefs.

 8 pm: Very Cloudy Weather but in other respects a fine Night.

10 pm: Heard the blowing of Whales.

 5 am: Made all possible Sail. Saw Tropic Birds and some flying Fish.

 7 am: Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast. Portable Soup & Sour Krout in the Pease for Dinner.

 8 am: Washed and Cleaned below and Aired with Fires. Exercised Small Arms and fired. Sailmakers mending Mizen Top Sail.

11 am: Strong Breezes and dark Cloudy Weather. In 1st. Reefs.

12 noon: Extremely Cloudy not a glimpse of the Sun.
   Assistant in Company.
 My Plants are in charming condition
 Corrected Course this day N57°W 100 Miles having supposed the Error in Current setting North.

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