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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 12, 1792

Remarks Sunday 12th August 1792

 1 pm: Moderate and Dark Cloudy Weather. All Sails Set

 2 pm: People employed Washing and mending Clothes.

 4 pm: The High Mountain set Yesterday Noon NE distant 6 or 7 leagues could not see any other part of the land.

 6 pm: Very dark and unsettled Weather. In Studding Sails & Double Reefs

 8 pm: A part to leeward having much the appearance of Land, and the Night being very dark and unsettled I hauled the Wind on the Starboard Tack and made the Signal for the Assistant to do the same.

12 mid: Made the Signal and Wore Ship

 4 am: Made the Signal and Wore Ship

 6 am: Day being made we bore away & made all possible Sail. No land could be seen.

 8 am: Very Cloudy Weather at times thick Rain & a few intervals of Sun Shine
Cleaned below, Aired with Fires, Mustered and saw every person clean dressed, performed Divine Service. Hot Breakfast every day as usual, Bore Cole & Portable Soup in the Pease for Dinner

12 noon: Fair Weather just at Noon. Got a good observation.
  Plants in a charming State.
   Assistant in Company.

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