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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 7, 1792

Remarks Tuesday 7th August 1792

 1 pm: Fine Weather. All Sails set. Saw M from the Deck N27⅓W and L S84W. Smokes on Island C where we saw a Sailing Cannoe.

 4 pm: Island L S40°W to S52°W 3 or 4 Leagues M North to NNE 5 or 6 Leagues C N64°E to N72°E Saw land NW called N

 6 pm: Island M N29°E L S2°E 3 or 4 Leagues C EbN 8 or 10 leagues N N18W. In 1st. Reefs

 8 pm: Spoke the Assistant and hove to, Main Top Sail at the Mast.

12 mid: Wore Ship Island L SE½E M NE½N, Sounded frequently, but no Ground.

 4 am: Island M NEbE L SE½S

 6 am: Made Sail L S42°E about 5 Leagues M N58°E to N65°E N N9°E, Saw other Islands called O & P.

 8 am: Took Altitudes M N78°E N N24E to N34°E about 5 Leagues O Island N11°W. Saw land called P S39°W and other called Q NbE Some larger land called R in the NNW.

10 am: Washed & Cleaned Ship. Aired with Fires.

11 am: At 11 hour..30′ the North part of N bore true East.

12 noon: At Noon N E2°N 9 Leagues O N26°E 7 Leagues Q N14°E 9 leagues R N20°W to N32°W, other lands seen in the NEbN, NWbW & SWbW from the Mast Heads.
   Assistant in Company


I directed my Course to the WNW between two lofty Islands which we saw from the Mast head called M and L. In passing the Island C we saw numerous Smokes and a well cultivated Country. A Sailing Cannoe made the utmost exertions to over take us, but as they were far a Stern and the Night coming on, I could not wait for them, as I had to take a small range before dark to be certain of a Clear space for the Ships during the Night. Saw another Island called N.

At 8 In the Evening I was about 4 leagues to the SW of the Island M and about the same distance to the NNW of Island L and here we lay to for the Night.

At day light we saw other Islands called P and O, the latter became very remarkable like Gibralter Rock. As we stood on we saw a very high Island in the North called R, Land to the North of it called T and to the SE of these a small high Island which was called Q. The land in the SWbW I considered to be the South Eastermost of the Islands I discovered in the Bountys Launch, and that in the NWbW to be part of the Northermost. To the Eastward of our Station at Noon was new to us, I therefore determined to stand to the Northward to see what Lands were connected with those I had passed in my Boat in 1789.

All the Islands are high. We saw Smokes on the smallest of them, and I am confident they are well inhabited.

The Island N lies in Latitude 17°..45 South.

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