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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 15, 1792

Remarks Sunday 15th July 1792 Matavai Bay

Pots of Bread Fruit
Large  459
Small  230
To Day   
Large  246
Total  935
Vees   2
Total  937

Very Squally Weather and heavy Rain at times with the Wind at West WSW and WNW. Thermometer from 78 to 80 Degrees. Very much Surf in the Bay and Swell.

The Weather to day prevented me from getting all my Plants on board for it was rather boisterous and very much so at Sea. We however got off two Pots of Avees and 246 Pots of Breadfruit. This with loosing sails to dry and Cleaning Ship, employed us very busily. Mahie for Sea Store, Cocoa Nutts and Bread Fruit with a few Hogs, were our Supplies from the Natives. In the Morning I struck my Observatory and finished my Astronomical Observations.

A large Double Cannoe arrived from Ori,aitai,ah (or Ulieteah as it is commonly called) about 15 Men came in her, Erreeoys. They had a Shed or Hutt in the Middle of it which sheltered 6 or 8 persons. I am sure from the Sea they must have had, these Vessels make better Weather of it than we suppose it possible for them to do.

To a great many of the middling Rank of People I made my last presents, and to numerous of the lowest Class I gave others, that they might see I remembered with kind attention their friendly behaviour to us.

Tynah and the Otoo family continue to Show the greatest regret at our leaving them. No Strangers about us.

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