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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 11, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 11th July 1792 Matavai Bay

Pleasant Sea Breezes from the East and Land Winds at SSE. Thermometer from 76 to 78 Degrees.

Employed Watering, Staying the Masts and setting the Rigging up, reeving running Rigging and a variety of necessary duties in preparing for Sea. Sufficient Supplies.

My old Friends, the Otoo family particularly show their usual marks of concern at the approach of my taking leave of them. Tynah is almost disconsolate at being refused going to England, and old Oberreeroah his Mother has expressed a degree of Grief which I have every reason to believe Sincere.

In the Afternoon Otoo arrived from his Tour which was shortned by the News he had of the Ship's sailing,. A few Papparah people came round with him; but Toma,ree refused to accompany him from a fear of not being cordially received by me—by some means he has been made believe I am not his Friend. I do not believe he has any confidence, even among his Oparre friends, indeed there is a certain distrust which hangs among these People that marks them for abounding in duplicity.

Tomaree has certainly many of my Books & papers, as I am informed by some of the Matilda's People. He had the impudence to send me a Message Yesterday, that if I would send him Cartridge paper he would deliver me a proportion of Books for it. It appears that he is in possession of all the Powder the Matilda's People brought on Shore with them as well as the Arms, and the use he intends the Books for is to make Cartridges of. All this information came too late to me to adopt means to recover any thing.

As soon as Otoo came round to the Post, I saluted him with Seven Guns, which gave a high degree of satisfaction & fed his Pride not a little. On my going on Shore a Wrestling Match took place amidst five hundred People, & it ended without any thing new. As the last leisure moments I could bestow among them, I diverted the Strangers with a few Fire Works at Night.

The Sacrifice I have spoken of a few Days since is to be offered to Otoo to morrow, and if I am well enough shall attend the Ceremony.

I bantered Iddeeah with the indifference her Son showed her after a long absence, which gave me a novel sight, he taking him in her Arms (or rather on her Hips as they carry their Children) She was however obliged to be uncovered as they always are in the Boys presence.

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