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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Jun 12, 1792

Remarks Tuesday 12th June 1792 In Matavai Bay

Light Westerly Winds and fair Weather untill Noon when the Wind came very strong in Squalls from the West WNW and NW with a smart Shower of Rain. At Night Calm.

Employed mending Sails, repairing Boats, Armourer at the Forge, Cooper repairing Casks, Refitting the Rattlings and about the Rigging.

Sufficient supplies of Hogs, Plantains, Tarro, Vees, Cocoa Nutts, a few Yams and heads of new Breadfruit.

We have very few Natives about us, and no Strangers. Tynah and his Wives dine with me every day, and occasionally as it suits their convenience, Monah and Orepyah with his Brother Whydooah. The three Brothers are become very drunken, and the Women not much better for they all drink Avah. Tynah has been so bad lately, that I have been obliged to forbid any person giving him any liquor. Wine is now no longer palatable to them, they call for Spirit, and have given it the name of Avah Tyo, or friendly draught. It is difficult now to get any information respecting their manners or Country, they seem suspicious of every enquiry.

I passed in my Walk to day a Morai which was called Rooah,addos. It consisted of a few Stones about three feet square, pieces of plaited Cocoa Nutt leaves (called Tepaow (Erahighree when presented to a Cheifs feet)) placed before it with some small pieces of Tarro and Cocoa Nutts. The Evatah or Alter of Offerings, was a Palm Stump with a small Stage on it, on which was a Cocoa Nutt Grater (a piece of Coral), and some Cocoa Nutt, Mahie and an empty Basket. The whole was fenced in, and I found it was just errected to ensure success to a kind of Ware or Dam which Tynah has made with Stones without Point Venus to catch Fish. Prayers have been performed, and the Deity supplicated by Persons of the Priesthood.

I heard, the Thief that was fired at last Night was wounded, Shot through the Shoulder, and had sett of[f] for Tettaha. He was traced about 200 Yards by his Blood. It seemed to give pleasure to our Friends here.

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