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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook May 26, 1792

Remarks Saturday 26th May 1792

Fresh Breezes and fair Weather. Wind EbN. The Thermometer from 78 to 83½ Degrees.

Employed Mending and Washing Cloaths as usual on this day. Our supplies are sufficient, but we have very little more than we absolutely want. Our Venereal List is increased to 20.

I received a parcel of fine Breadfruit Plants to day from Tiarraboo which are reckoned vastly superior to any at this place. I had heard of this kind, and had such reports confirmed to me by the Chiefs, that I employed two Men to go for them. Our Number of Plants are now increased by 7 Tubs containing 3 to 5 Plants each, 7 small Pots containing one and two each, and 7 extra Pots of Ayyahs (the Jambo of Java). I have taken some small Bread fruit (7 feet high) Trees in very large Tubs such as half Half Hogsheads. I expect they will stand the Sea if none of the others do: all the Plants are now in charming order, spreading their leaves delightfully. I have completed fine airy places for them on the Quarter Deck and Galleries, and shall Sail with every inch of space filled up. My anxious moments have been hitherto to complete my Numbers, they are now for their security. The greatest circumspection is observed at the Post, which is well guarded to prevent any vicious designs of the Natives, altho I have no reason to suspect them.

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