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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook May 19, 1792

Remarks Saturday 19th May 1792

During the Morning, Calms with light Winds and much Rain. Towards Noon the Weather came fair with light East Winds but at Sea it appeared very Squally and Wind to the SE. Towards Midnight it blew fresh from the ESE.

Employed cleaning Ship, Washing and mending Cloaths.

Moderate Supplies.

At 2 O'Clock this Morning a Native under cover of a thick Squall of Rain opened the Port of the first Lieutenants Cabbin, and took from him the Sheet that covered him in his Bed, which was not discovered untill the last Inch of it was pulled from him. Boats were sent after the Native but to no effect, the Night was so dark it favored his escape. Whether this Man had hid himself at Sun Set when all the Natives are turned out of the Ship, or had Swam off, we cannot determine. It appears however that he had made an attempt on the same Article about Midnight; but Mr. Bond not suspecting the twitches he had felt and had awakened him, to be real; went to sleep again. What is remarkable, I found on enquiry, that the Centinels on Deck, and the one at my Cabbin Door (whose walk is before Mr. Bond's & guards each equally) and the Mate and Midshipmen of the Watch were all attentive to their Duty.

Tynah as usual dined with me. After Dinner I told him I had a Man in Irons who I intended to punish for insulting my Officers and People. He agreed with me that the Man deserved it, and I ordered him to receive 36 lashes on his posteriors. He received the punishment without moaning or winsing, for it was not in the power of the Boatswain to make him beg forgiveness. It must be owing to the bodies of the people being constantly exposed, their feeling to little of punishment which is exceeding severe, in all other cases they are as susceptible of pain as we are. I ordered the prisoner again into Irons.

In the Morning we were so successfull with the Seine as supplied every Person in a plentifull manner. They Caught 300 pounds Weight of fine Cavallies.

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