title>Bligh's Providence Logbook Apr 27, 1792
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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Apr 27, 1792

Remarks Friday 27th April 1792 In Matavai Bay

Yesterday 1082
Total 1086

Moderate Sea Breezes at East and EbN Land Winds at Night from the SE. Thermometer from 81 to 83 Degrees.

Employed Caulking the Larboard Side. Fitting up a place on the Quarter Deck for Extra Plants. In the Hold and other necessary Duties. Sufficient Supplies of Cocoa Nutts, Plantains, Tarro, Breadfruit and Hogs.

Tynah and his Friends got very much intoxicated with their Ava this Morning and were not able to perform their promise of going with me to Oparre. Towards Mid day they recovered and were a little ashamed of their conduct, and our excursion was put off untill the Morning.

On my equiring the cause of the Marro Oorah being removed from Attahooroo where it was kept in Captain Cook's time, and when I was here in my last Voyage, they told me that after Christian had left his Villains at Otaheite, Otoo made War against Attahooroo People, and by the Aid of the Bountys Men, overcame them. The Marro the Etuah and Tebbootaboo,ataiah were then seized and brought to Oparre where they will remain.

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