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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Apr 23, 1792

Remarks Monday 23rd April 1792 In Matavai Bay

Yesterday 737
Total 817

During the Day from 10 OClock, fresh Sea Breezes at EbS. The Night and Morning Light Land Winds and Calms. Thermometer from 79 to 84 Degrees. Wind ENE at Noon but at Sea about East.

Employed Caulking the Starboard Side, Salting Pork and Tradeing with the Natives. Plentifull Supplies. Condemned per Survey 1593 pounds Bread. I took a Walk to day over the greatest part of our Neighbourhood. I found it altered very much for the worse, occasioned by the late War. Few Houses remained; and all those places that swarmed with Inhabitants had scarce an Individual to account for the calamity. At this time Peace is said to be established; but the Matavai Chiefs do not wish to send to me either the Money or Arms, and therefore keep in the Mountains; notwithstanding they send to me fair promises that the Money shall be returned. On this account we have but few Natives about us, only the Oparre People Visit us.

Otoo again paid us a Visit at the Post where a Heiva was performed by one Woman and four Men in their common interlude Stile. In the Cool of the Evening our Marines exercised, and the Natives were exceedingly delighted, particularly with the Serjeant who played so many tricks with his Musquet, that they said he was Mad.

Tynah with his Wives, Father and Brothers dine with me every Day. A Cannoe with a Party came over from Moreah to see the Ship, these were some Friends of Whyerreddee for whom Tynah had recourse to my Lockers, to satisfy with presents. Tynah is a perfect fool to this Woman. She rules him as she pleases, while Iddeeah quietly submits, and is contented with a moderate share of influence. Since I sailed in the Bounty, Tynah has had another Child (a Boy called Oroho) by Iddeeah—by Whyerreddee he has none. His Children now, are, —

Otoo – Erreerahigh Terreetapanooai his Brother Tahanydooah his Sister ($link$ See 28th May) Oroho his Brother

Huheine Moyere, the Wife of Oreepyah, arrived to Day from the district of Itteeah where she had been at the Burial of her Father and Brother. To my surprise she would touch no Victuals, but what was put to her mouth by the hands of another person. I have accounted for this in my last Voyage in one instance, and I now find from Tynah that the loss of relations is another cause of not feeding themselves. It is a degree of mourning that lasts three Months.

It is extraordinary to see how fond our Friends here are of Liquor. They speak of Brandy and Strong Spirits with delight, and are Mad to get as much as will render them stupid. I have done all in my power to prevent them. With me they are orderly and contented with their Wine, but wherever they can get it about the Ship they are sure to get drunk.

We completed 80 Pots to Day with Plants.

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