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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Apr 18, 1792

Remarks Wednesday 18th April 1792 Matavai Bay

Plants 32
Total 115

Westerly Winds all the Morning and dark Cloudy Weather at Night Calms and smart Rain favorable to my Plants. Thermometer from 81° to 77° Degrees.

Employed Caulking the Starboard Bends & in restowing the Main hold.

About 30 Cannoes were about the Ship to day, which I consider a very small number when compared to the Multitude of People I have been accustomed to. We have very sufficient supplies of Hogs, Fruit and Tarro. I have only seen 3 She Goats which I bought for my Sea Store.

Otoo sent me a handsome present of Hogs and Fruit, and gave others to the Officers at the Post.

This day we completed 83 Pots with Plants. The Weather is very favorable, and I have got every duty going on with regularity. It is always some time before this can be effected, coming among Indians; but a material point to be gained. Mr. Smith & Mr. Whiles the Gardeners have every assistance, some of their men were employed by me in my last Voyage, which is of considerable advantage to them.

A fine (a)Child about 12 Months old was brought to me to day a Daughter of George Stewart Midshipman of the Bounty. It was a very pretty creature; but had been so exposed to the Sun as to be very little fairer than an Otaheitean.

(a) Its Mother is the Woman that Stewart always kept on board the Bounty.

Tynah with his Friends still remain at Oparre, debating on their capability to carry on the War.

From the most authentick Account I can get, I find the Otaheiteans have got from different Ships, Musquets &c as follows —

Belonging to Oparre Musquets 8  Pistols 5
At Oaitepeha 5 5
At Itteeah 1 0
Attahooroo 0 5
Matavai 5 0
Paparrah 8 6
Ditto one Swivel  Total 27 21

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