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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Apr 8, 1792

Remarks Sunday 8th April 1792 Towards Otaheite

 1 pm: Fair Weather and Hazy. Armourer at the Forge

 2 pm: The Surgeon examined the Ships Company to discover those who were tainted with the Verneral disease.—

 5 pm: Took an Account of every Man's Cloaths to prevent them trafficking them away.—

 8 pm: Fine Night and bright Moon, but too Cloudy to make any Observations. Made all Sail possible to enable me to get into Otaheite on to Morrow—

 4 am: Saw a Tropic and a Man of War Bird.

 7 am: Thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast.

 8 am: Fine Weather. I computed the Island Maitea to bear N77W Distant 44 Miles – by me in 1788 Its Latitude is 17°..53′ S Longitude 211..58 E

10 am: Saw the Island Maitea bearing West. Read Orders to establish a friendly intercourse with the Otaheiteans. Saw every person Clean dressed and performed Divine Service. Sent some fresh Pork to Lieut. Portlock.—

12 noon: At Noon Maitea W¼S distant 7 leagues.
  Assistant in Company


Agreeable to an Order I gave the Surgeon dated the 7th, he examined the Ships Company to discover if any disease was among them, particularly the Venereal. His report to me by letter was he had examined them individually, and found Mr. Gillespie, George Harford, John Currey, & William Morgan to have such remains of it, as might convey the infection, and therefore their intercourse with Women should be prevented if possible. With respect to any other complaint there was not any, on the Contrary the Ship's Company was in perfect Health.,

In the Morning as my custom has ever been on this day, I mustered the People. No men were ever in better health, not a complaint in the Ship except the Venereals, and on their account only has there been a Sick List necessary the Voyage.

I gave out Orders for establishing an amicable intercourse with the Natives of any Island we might be at, and promised disgrace & punishment to those of disobeyed them.

In my last Voyage I found the Island Maitea to lie in 17°..33′ South & 211°..58′ East I therefore steered for it to ascertain its situation a second time.

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