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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 25, 1792

Remarks Saturday 25th February 1792 Towards New Zeland

 1 pm: Strong Gales and hard Squalls with Rain Stowed the Anchors. —

 3 pm: More Moderate. Set the Main Top Sail.

 8 pm: Squally and Dark Night. Fires all Night to Air Ship. Directed a stern light to be constantly carried. —

 1 am: Set the Fore Top Sail

 5 am: Set the Mizen Top Sail

 8 am: Moderate and Cloudy with Squalls. Set single Reefed Main Top Sail and Double Reefed For Top Sail and up Top Gallant Yards. —

10 am: Served Hot Breakfast of Portable Soup Gruel. Sweet Wort a pint per Man at 10 OClock. Cleaned below and Aired with Fires. Krout as usual. —

12 noon: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather with some Squalls – Bent the best Mizen Top Sail. —
   Assistant in Company
 Thermometer on Deck in the Air at Noon 53°–

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