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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 19 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 106 - 14 Jun 1789 Remarks 3

& before I left it showed me a reef about 2 Cables length from the East shore where I was which seemed to run in the direction of the shore of this side of the entrance. – A ship must therefore must carefully attend to it, as they will see nothing of it at high water. – Near the shores is a flat of shoal water but farther off plenty of depth I have no doubt for any ships. – In the middle of this north Entrance I sounded 10 fms. no ground At 1 In the morng we rowed & Sailed along shore (after making some fruitless attempts with the sails) to the Eastward ENE abt. 5 Miles Saw some Vessels in the Road wch gave us most inexpressible pleasure. and a little before day I came to a grapnel off a small Town & Fort wch. the Pilot told
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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