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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 19 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 104 - 14 Jun 1789 Remarks 1

Rems A most charming extensive Bay 2 Miles or more across the Entrance and considerably more extensive to the North and Eastward. – Islds. lye abt. 5 leags SSW The Coast North lies East and to the West without.- Whether the Islds. off it it is Rotto & Savu I am at a loss to know & I have no Books to tell me & my recollection to bad —— The Land makes in the Bay with mod[t] risings joined by lower grounds — Saw a Dog & some Cattle on our shore Mr. Peckover & Cole I sent after them. In sounding the Bay, alongshore the coast to this place where the land is low it appeared shoal water & broke in high seas. — About 4 Party returned with some Melays one of whom agreed to go with me to Coupang wch. I understood was the governors residence, by showing him a parcel of Dollars. — All hands overjoyed & in the greatest spirits at this happy appearance of an end to our distress- Got a few heads of Indian Corn –
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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