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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 19 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 93 - 9 Jun 1789

Rems Tuesdy. 9th June 1 [pm] Mod. & Fair – Some Showers. 5 [pm] Caught a Dolphin wch. rejoiced us – Served abt. 2 oz of offals & others Raw – wch. was a happy relief to us – Hung up the rest to dry for to Morrow – I take the latd. of 9°·00′ So. to strike Timor in — Agrd. to H Moore New Seaman's Assist. [see below] lays Timor from 20°:30′ to 8°:15′ 6 [am] Men of War Birds Tropic Gulls & a Gannet seen 8 [am] Bread & Water for breakfst 9 [am] Saw a Booby 12 [noon] Fair Wr. Bread & 1 oz of Fish pr. Man – Obs Latd. 9°:10′ S —
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

The below is the title page from a later edition, published in 1791.
Seaman's Assistant

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