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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 19 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 81 - 3 Jun 1789

Rems. Wedy. June 3d. 1789 1 [pm] Fine Wr. A Clift Head bore true West dist. 4 leags. – Dined on some boiled Clams & usual allowce. of Bread & Water 4 [pm] At 4h. C. York True So. 6 or 7 leags. & northt. land in sight NWbW 5 [pm] At 5 abreast of an extensive Inlet bearg SWbS 7 or 8 Miles At ¼ before 6 anchor in 8 feet off an Isld. 6 miles from the Main – a High Isld NbW 4 leags. & the Main from NNW½N 5 leags. to SEbS 6 leags. — Fresh Gales & Cloudy Wr. 1 [am] ½ past Sailed 8 [am] At 8 Standg between the Isld set NbW last night & several others towards the Main. No ground at 12 fms. dist. across 3 Miles 9 [am] At 9h. Land as far as NW½W at ½ past 10 a small Rocky Id true East 2 Ms. & another WSW 4 Ms. At Noon Isld. from NWbW 5 leags. to NE 5 leags Seven Reef from West to NE Wednesdy Isld. No. point EbS 5 Miles West Land in sight SW 7 Miles Lat Obsd. 10°:31′ S Merid Alt 2 L 56··54
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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