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Fateful Voyage

PreviousP. 64 May 30 Restoration 2HomeNotebookP. 66 Jun 1-2 FigsNext

Revised 2010-03-16

Bligh Notebook
P. 65 - 30 May 1789 Continued

Saturd 30th. May contind. ——    ✓ I now have 38 days allowance Bread at 112 lb pr. days ✓ Saw many Pieces of Pumice stone on the shore & a very long & large Tree ✓ hove up at the back of the Beach from whence I conclude Gales are strong ✓ when they blow from the NW ✓ our little well still supplies plenty of water. — ✓ Empld. a Hand mendg the Main Sails ✓ Saw a Bee & some Lizards. — ✓ What Beaches we see are of a white sand. – ✓ The Kangooro's I beleive swim from the Main from Isld. to Isld. — ✓ All the country we can see appeared rather scorched. But a pleasing variety of high & low land & the interior part of the Main Mountainous This Isld. may be known by a heap of large Rocks which form round Top Isld. that lies ¼ Mile to the ESE of it. I find the Latd. of Restoration Point to be 12°:39′ S 144°:44′ Et 
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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