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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 58 - 28 May 1789 Remarks

I now expected to fall in with New Holl reefs every hour being determined to look for a passage & take the first opening. – At 1 am fell in with a reef wch broke dreadfully but we were so providentially situated that with cleared with risk or trouble. — I stood however all night to the NNE & at day light steered in to determine whether the reef was detached or a part of the main reef. At 9h. made found the main reef & dired. an opening ½ Mile wide. Stood for it wth. a strong current settg. West.– When in the Passage Land like an Isld. was only seen & bore W½N. The reef to the southd. inclined to the NE & to the South & SW & blue water to the North as far as I could see – Deep water in the Channel. More land Seen & Mountainous. I endeavord to come to a Grapnel on the Reef but could not the Current run so Strong to the west. I therefore bore away as I could not keep my ground to observe.– All happy at this providential entry. — Expected to take the reef no any ground inside reef. The land first seen & the northt. in sight both still look like Islds. but perhaps joined by low land – Too hazy to see the Land to the South smooth water
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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