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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 54 - 26 May 1789

Rems. Tuesdy. 26 May 89 1 [pm] Fair Wr. & Squalls of Rain Served the Noddy for Dinner 5 [pm] Caught a Booby by Hand one of the pieces of wood seen was the body of a large Tree I 12 [mid] DoWr. imagine this to have drifted from the South 2 [am] Booby's the size of a good duck & Nodies near that of a Pidgeon 8 [am] Very fine Wr. Caught a Booby by hand. — 9 [am] Revived by this fair Wr. but very weak. — 11 [am] Tropic Gulls, Boobies, Noddies & many peices of Trees pass covered wth. Barnacles 12 [noon] DoWr. under F T. & M. Sl. Served the Birds raw for Dinner — Latd 13·41 Sea from SE
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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