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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 52 - 25 May 1789

Rems Mondy 25 May 1789 1 [pm] Fine Wr. & a Cool Air – Some Boobies, Men of War Birds Mth Chicken. — 4 [pm] Overhauled our Bread & found 43 days Bread at the rate of weight of 2 Musket Balls, 24 or 1/12 of a lb to each Man pr. day 7 [pm] Saw a gannet. — 8 [pm] our Issue now will be 1/12 of lb Bread & a small Wine glass of water at Breakfast & Dinner. & only Water at Sup- per. — 1 [am] Every one complains of Costive ness most of us 18 Days without an evacuation by 5 [am] Caught a Noddy by Hand 8 [am] Flying showers of Rain Bread for Breakfast 12 [noon] Squally. Noddies & Tropic Gulls Latd. 13°:32′ So.
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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