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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 50 - 24 May 1789

Rems Sundy 24 May 1789 1 [pm] Fresh Gale & much Sea from the South 3 [pm] Mother Careys Chicken 5 [pm] Under Close Reef M.T. & F. Sl. 6 [pm] Cloudy Cold Eveng. Not so much Sea & steer across it very well Saw two Noddies & a Booby Bread & Water for Supper 12 [mid] Fine Night but very cold 8 [am] Fine Wr. Men of War & Tropic Birds – Some Fish. – Bread &c for Breakfast. — 12 [noon] Fine Wr. Empld. drying Cloaths for the 1st. time found any warmth from the Sun Bread & oz Pork for Dinr Latd. 13°:33′ So
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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