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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 25 - 10 May 1789

Sundy. 10 May 1789 1 [pm] Fine Wr. Four Coco- nutts for Dinner 5 [pm] Served a Bit of Bread & a Jill of water. 7 [pm] Cloudy. 9 [pm] Squally much Rain Thundr. & Lightg. Saved to [two] breakers of Water. Cause of the course altered – Served a tea[s]poonfull of Rum to each person 6 [am] Squally & Rain & Much sea – Kept before it 8 [am] A Bit of bread & a Jill of Water for breakfast Very wet & uncomfort able — 12 [noon] Cloudy Wr. & much Sea cant keep our course Latd. Obs. 15°:17′ S
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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