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Fateful Voyage

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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 21 - 8 May 1789

Fridy. 8th. May 1 [pm] Cloudy & light Wind. Kept rowing cannoes in chase 2 [pm] Do. left off chase 3 [pm] Cloudy. Rain & Thunder saved 6 galls. water. Served a bit of Pork for dinner & quenched our Thirsts. Troublesome Isles EbS½S & the 3 leags – the East of the land SbE½E to SbE 7 or 8 leags. Cloudy Wr Rowed off shore untill 7h. 7 [pm] Served a spoonfull of Rum & a a Jill of cocoanut milk, being all wet. 4 [am] Squally with Rain 5 [am] Fair began to dry our wet Cloaths Every one being very uncomfortable served a bit of Bread for breakfast & a Jill cocoa nut milk 12 [noon] Fair pleas. Trade & smooth water ½ oz of Pork 1 oz Bread & a Jill of Coconut for dinner Lat obd. 16:04
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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