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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 17 - 6 May 1789

6th. May PM at 5h¾ Saw two large Islds. and very high each of them perhaps 20 leags or 30 in cir- cumference.– one bore WbS About 7 leags & the other NWbW about 8 or 9.– Very hazy & Moderate Breezes—ENE Steered NbW to Wind of the Northt. one & bore away at 10h NW. at 3 WNW At 6 AM NWbN Saw the Isld. past last in sight bearg SSE 10 leags. and 5 others a small one SbW 7 leags. a little larger one SWbS½S 6 legs a very large one SW 10 leags- Another middle size West 5 leags and another NE½E 7 or 8 leags. past between those two last Steering NWbN – These in general are very high land & some of [considerable] extent. At 7h. The Isld. that bore West now bore WbS or true West & in this latd it opened
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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