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Revised May 18 2021

Bligh Notebook
P. 13 - Hayward Signals

This was part of our Signel Book wch was in Mr. Haywards Pocket & served me to make my occurences in Signals for Boats Sent to Discover Anchorage On Finding bottom to be denoted in the following Manner 1st..5 fathoms a blue flag. 2d..10 fathoms a White flag. 3: 15 fathoms a Red Flag. 4th: 20 fathoms a White and Red flag both held up Together. 5th: For every fathom between 5 and 1010 and 1515 and 20 fathoms the flag to be lowered and held up, first making The particular signal distinctly; holding it up one Minute, and the[n] repeates a Quarter of a Minute between Each, 6th: 30 fathoms and upwards, a White and a Blue Flag and for every fathom up to 40, the White flag to be lowered and held up. 7th: A good harbour or safe Anchorage, the three flags to be hoisted together. 8th: On discovering Danger, it is to be denoted by firing musketts, and that is to be Continued untill you
By Permission of the National Library of Australia

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