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Revised Jun 5 2021

Edward Edwards Testimony


COURT. Relate all you know concerning the prisoners belonging to the Bounty.

A. Before we came to anchor in Mattavai Bay, Coleman came on board. I was informed that others had sailed in a schooner that had been built by some of the Bounty's people. I likewise heard that one man had been murdered, (the master at arms,) and likewise an account that the Bounty had been twice at Otaheite, in possession of Captain Bligh; the last time, after some people being landed, she went away in the night; and was seen again in the morning in a north west direction. Coleman was ready to give me any information. Steward and Heywood, after we anchored, came on board before any boat was sent on shore. Mr. Larkin brought them to me; "I asked what news?" and Mr. Heywood said, "he supposed i had heard of the affair concerning the Bounty." I cannot recollect all the conversation, but he enquired if Mr. Hayward was on board; I said he was; he desired to see him, and I desired Mr. Hayward to come out of my state room. Mr. Hayward came, and gave them a contemptuous look, and began to enter into a conversation concerning the Bounty. I called people to take the prisoners; some words passed, and Heywood said he should be able to vindicate his conduct. Byrne came on board the third day alone. Ellison, Morrison, and Norman, were sent on board, by parties that were sent after them.

Q. per BYRNE.—Did you, or any under your command, commissioned, warrant, petty officers, or seamen, bring me on board the Pandora?

A. No; I did not understand it so.

Q. Did you know at what part of the island I was, when the Pandora anchored in Mattavai Bay?

A. Not exactly, but I heard some distance from the place.

Q. per BYRNE.—Was I not introduced to you by your officers?

A. Probably you was.

Admitted that Byrne voluntarily surrendered himself.

Q. Did Byrne request an interview with you, saying, he came from Papara, a distant part of the island, and that he had walked all night to join the ship?

A. I do not recollect the place, but I believe he did say he had walked all night.

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