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Revised Jun 5 2021

John Hallett Testimony

Mr. HALLETT'S evidence..

Apr 28, 1789

On the 28th day of April 1789, at day-break, I had the watch upon deck; I saw Christian, the officer of the watch, come up the fore hatchway armed, and several armed men following him, Burkitt, Churchill, Sumner, and Martin, no more; at first, I attempted to go down the fore hatchway, but was prevented by two fixed bayonets thrust up, and I was ordered to stay where I was; who they were I cannot say, I was then going aft, but before I got on the quarter deck, I heard Captain Bligh sing out "murder" he was soon after brought on deck in his shirt, with his hands tied behind him, and Christian holding the cord that tied him, and a bayonet in the other hand, and kept in that situation with the guard round him.

COURT. Name the guard.

A. I do not know any more than I before mentioned.—The cutter was ordered by Christian to be hoisted out, and Mr. Samuel and my self ordered into it; but upon the Boatswain's and Carpenter's coming aft, and telling Christian they would prefer going in the boat with the Captain, than staying in the ship, desired to have the launch instead of the cutter; he granted it, and said, he did not wish them or any other to stay against their inclinations, or to go; they then asked for various articles that would be of use; and Mr. Heywood*, Mr. Samuel, and myself, then went into the boat and were veered astern, Christian saying, he would hove us in near the land—We then got a few more things from the ship, and were cast loose.

*[This is an obvious error, it should be Hayward.]

Q. Did you hear any conversation between Christian and the officers of the Bounty, about the launch or cutter?

A. The boatswain and carpenter came aft, as I said before, and spoke to Christian about them.

Q. What number of men were in the boat when you went into it?

A. By Christian's order, I was the first in the boat.

Q. How long did the boat remain along side after you was in it?

A. Ten minutes, or a quarter of an hour.

Q. Were all the people ordered in, or did they go voluntarily?

A. I believe the most part went voluntarily.

Q. What number of men assisted in hoisting out the launch?

A. About twenty.

Q. Were all unarmed?

A. One or two gave their arms to others, and assisted, and as soon as done resumed their arms.

Q. What number of men did you see under arms that morning?

A. Ellison, Morrison, Millward, Burkitt, Hillbrant, Sumner, Skinner, Christian, Young, Churchill, Thompson, Alexander Smith, Mills, McKoy, Williams, Brown, Martin, and Quintal.

Q. What time did you make that memorandum?

A. Lately.

Q. Had you any conversation with the officers or men that morning, respecting re-taking the ship?

A. Seeing so many armed men, and no possibility of our procuring any arms ourselves, I believe it was deemed impracticable.

Q. When the mutineers gave their arms to others, whilst they hoisted out the boats, did they give them to their own party?

A. Intirely so.

Q. Did you see Coleman?

A. Yes.

C0URT.—Relate his conduct that day.

A. Coleman assisted in getting things into the boat, and when astern, called to the gunner, "Remember, Mr. Peckover, if ever you arrive in England, I had no hand in this."

Q. Did you see Mr. Heywood?

A. I saw him once.

Q. Where?

A. Upon the platform on the larboard side of the deck.

Q. What was he doing?

A. Standing still, looking attentively on Captain Bligh.

Q. Had he any arms at that time?

A. I did not see him under arms at all.

Q. Had you any conversation with him?

A. I do not recollect having spoken to him.

Q. Was he or not prevented from going into the boat?

A. I do not know that he offered to go into it.

Q. Did any person propose to him so to do?

A. I do not know.

Q. Do you know any other particulars of him that day?

A. When he was standing as before related, Captain Bligh said something to him, but what I did not hear; upon which he laughed, turned round, and went away.

Q. Did he appear at liberty, or at any time confined.

A. At liberty.

Q. BYRNE.—Relate what you know of Byrne that day.

A. I remember to have seen him once, keeping the cutter along side.

Q. MORRISON.—Relate his conduct that day.

A. When I first saw him, he and Millward were talking together unarmed, but he shortly afterwards appeared with a musket.

Q. What part of the ship did you see him in with a musket?

A. I did not see him under arms till the boat was veered astern, then he looked over the taffrail, and jeering, said, "If my friends enquire after me, tell them I am somewhere in the South Seas."

Q. How was he employed at any time, and until you put off?

A. I have related all to the best of my recollection?

Q. NORMAN.—Relate all you know of him that day.

A. Norman was employed in getting things out of the carpenter's store-room just before we came away, he cried, and said, "He wished to go with us, to see his wife and family."

Q. Did you consider him as a mutineer?

A. I considered him as an innocent man, and detained against his inclination.

Q. ELLISON.—Relate all you know of him that day.

A. He appeared early under arms, and came to me insolently, saying, "Mr. Hallet, you need not mind, we are only going to put the Captain on shore, and then you and the others may return on board," meaning Mr. Hayward and Mr. Samuel, as no others at that time were ordered to quit the ship.

Q. MCINTOSH.—Relate all you know of him.

A. He was employed in getting things from the store-room, and willing to procure things for us that we required.

Q. Did he shew any inclination to come on board?

A. I did not myself observe it.

Q. MUSPRAT.—Relate all you know of him that day.

A. I do not remember to have seen him once.

Q. BURKITT.—Relate all you know of him that day.

A. I have related the whole I know.

Q. MILLWARD.—Relate all you know of him that day.

A. As I before said, I saw him and Morrison talking together, and shortly after saw him armed.

Q. Look round, and point out Morrison.

A. This is he; (pointing to Morrison).

Q. Do you know if Coleman, Norman, and McIntosh, were detained against their wills?

A. I have great reason to suppose they were.

Q. Did you speak to Byrne, so as to form an opinion of his mind?

A. He appeared pensive and sorrowful.

Q. Do you believe it proceeded from his disapprobation of the event that had taken place?

A. The cause I am totally ignorant of.

Q. Describe the situation of the commander of the Bounty, when Heywood turned round as you before said.

A. He was standing with his arms tied behind him; Christian holding the cord that bound him with one hand, and a bayonet at his breast with the other hand.

Q. Did you go down the main hatchway with Mr. Heywood that morning?

A. I was below.

Q. Was Mr. Heywood in his birth at that time?

A. I do not remember to have seen him during that morning except at the time already related.

Q. At the time the boats were hoisting out, to whom did the mutineers give their arms?

A. Very few were given; those that were, were to their own party.

Q. When the boat put off from the ship, did you see or hear any person express any dissatisfaction at being left?

A. Yes: Coleman, and Norman.

Q. per MORRISON.—You say you saw me under arms at the taffrail, and I did sneeringly say, "Tell my friends, if they inquire, that I am somewhere in the South Seas"; Can you positively declare before God, and this court, that it was me and no other person you saw under arms, and to whom I delivered the said sneering message?

A. I have declared it, but did not remark that the message was said to any particular individual.

Q. Ditto.—Can you deny that I did lower down into the boat from the larboard quarter, two cutlasses, two large jars of water, and five or six and twenty pieces of pork?

A. I remember four cutlasses lowered, and the other things you mention in the boat, but by whom I cannot say.

Q. Do you remember that I personally assisted you to haul your chest up the main hatchway, and if I was armed?

A. Concerning the chest, I do not remember, and have before said, that I did not see you under arms till the boat was veered astern.

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