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Fateful Voyage

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Revised 2010-05-05

Bounty Logbook Jun 14, 1789

HKFCoursesWindsRems: Sunday 14th June 1789. Bountys Launch. Timor
14 WestESEStrong Gales and very hazy Wr. and a high dangerous breaking Sea
31North"Came to a Grapnel (on the west end of Timor) in the Entrance of a large Inlet in a Bay on the East side from whence the Islands without bore SBW¼W to SW¼W 5 leags. the West point of the Entrance W½S 3 miles and the SE point SBW ¾ Mile. Modt & fair Wr. Saw a Dog and some Cattle. Sent the Boatswain & Gunner in search of Inhabitants.
4NEBNAt 4 they returned with some Malay Men, one of whom agreed to shew me where the Governor resided who he called Bassar and the place Coupang.
At ½ past 4 left this place and kept the East side of the Bay on board. Sailing and Rowing with light Airs.
108"NEAt 10 Came to a Grapnel. Light airs.
1SEAt 1 oClock weighed and pulled along the East and South shore and found the land I had been passing on the West to be an Island, we being now open to the Sea. No Ground at 10 fms.
55EastAt Day dawn came to a Grapnel under the Fort at Coupang and hoisted a Small Jack we had made in the main Shrouds as a Signal of distress.
6At 6 I had leave to land.
9""At 9 I got every one on shore
12""Modt and Fair Wr. found lying in the Road One large Ship a Snow and a Dutch cutter.
Got the Boat hauled into the River.
Mean Course from 4 to 10 PM NEBE 8
 Do   Do  from 1 to   5 AM ENE   5
CourseDist.Obsd.D. R.D. R. 


At 2 o'Clock this afternoon after having run through a very dangerous Sea the Cause of which I attributed to a Strong Windward Tide and Shoal water we discovered a Spacious Bay or Sound with a fair Entrance about 2 or 3 miles wide. I now conceived Hopes that my Voyage was nearly at an End, as no place could appear more elligible for Shipping and of Course likely to be the Dutch Settlement. I therefore bore up and Came to a Grapnel on the East side of the Entrance in a small sandy Bay where we Saw a Hut a Dog and some Cattle, and I immediatly sent the Boatswain and Gunner away to the Hut in order to discover the Inhabitants.

The SW point of the Entrance bore W½S 3 Miles. The SE part SBW ¾ Mile and the Island Rotty from SBW¼W to SW¼W about 5 leagues off.

While I lay here I found the Tide of Ebb to come from the northward, and before I came away showed a dangerous Rocky Reef about 2 Cables length from the Shore that took the direction of this Side of the Entrance and the whole being covered at high water renders it dangerous. On the other side also appeared very high Breakers, but here is nevertheless plenty of Room and most certainly a Safe channel for a first Rate.

The Bay or Sound within is of a Considerable extent, the northern part which I had now in view being about 5 leags. distant. Here the sand made on moderate risings joined by lower Grounds. But the Island which lies to the South is the best mark to know this place by, and Is what I consider to be the Island Rotty or Rotto.

I had just time to make these remarks when I saw the Boatswain and Gunner returning with some Malays, I therefore no longer doubted of my success, and our most sanguine expectations and wishes were fully gratified. They brought five Malay Men with them, and informed me they had found two families where the Women treated them with European politeness, and that the Men had by Signs given them to understand, that the Governor resided at some distance to the NE. Their intercourse with the Dutch did not remain one moment in doubt to me, but I could only make out Bassar and Coupang, the former I understood to be the Governors name and the latter his residence. I now made signs for One of them to go in the Boat and show me Coupang, intimating that I would pay money for his trouble, when the man readily complied and came into the Boat.

These People were of a dark tawny Colour, and had long black Hair, chewed a great deal of Beetle, and wore a Square peice of foreign cloth round their Hips in the folds of which was stuck a large knife. They had a Handkerchief wrapt round their heads, and at their shoulders hung another tied by the four corners, which constituted a Bag for the Beetle Equipage.

The only thing they brought us was a few dried peices of Turtle that was not eatable untill Soaked in Hot water, and a few Ears of Indian Corn. This last was a treasure to us, and had I stayed they would have brought us something more, but as the Pilot was willing I determined to push on, and I sailed about half past four.

By the direction of the Pilot I kept the East shore on board under all our Sail, but as night came on the Wind died away, and we were obliged to try at the Oars which I was surprized to find we could do with some effect. However at 10 oClock as I found we got but little ahead I came to a Grapnel, and for the first time I issued about double allowance of Bread and a little wine to each person.

At one oClock in the morning after the most happy & sweetest sleep that ever Men had, I weighed and continued to keep the East shore on board in very Smooth water, when at last I found we were again open to the Sea, the whole of the land to the Westward that I had passed being a large Island which the Pilot called Pulo Samow. In this North Entrance it is about 1½ or 2 miles wide, and I had not ground at 10 fms.

Hearing the report of two Cannon that were fired gave new life to every One and before day we discovered two Square Rigged Vessels and a cutter at Anchor to the Eastward. I endeavored to work to windward but we were obliged to take to our Oars again having lost ground on every tack, and having kept close to the shore we continued rowing untill 4 o'Clock when I brought to a Grapnel and gave another allowance of Bread and Wine to all hands, and being refreshed we again rowed untill an half hour before Day, when I came to a Grapnel off a Small Fort & Town called Coupang.

When the Boatswain left the ship, among the things he had thrown into the Boat was a bundle of Signal Flags that I had made for the Boats to shew me the depth of water in sounding. These I had in the Course of this miserable Voyage converted into a Small Jack which I now hoisted in the main Shrouds as a Signal of distress, for I did not for very evident reasons chuse to land without leave. Soon after day break a soldier hailed me to land, which I instantly did among a crowd of Malays, and I was agreeably surprized to meet with an English sailor who belonged to the ship in the Road. His Captain he told me was the second Person in the Town. I therefore desired to be conducted to him as I found the Governor was Ill and could not just then be Spoke with.

Captain Spykerman received me with great humanity, and being informed of my miserable situation, I requested that I might have assistance that care might be taken of those who were with me without delay. He therefore gave directions for their immediate victualling in his Own House, and went himself to the Governor to know at what time I could be permitted to see him, which was fixed to be at Eleven O'Clock.

I now desired every one to come on shore, which was as much as some of them could do being scarce able to walk. They however got at last to the House and had Tea with Bread and Butter for their Breakfasts.

The abilities of the most eminent Artiste perhaps could never have more brilliantly shone them in a delineation of two groups of Figures that at this time presented themselves, and where one might be so much at a loss to know which most to admire, whether the Eyes of Famine sparkling at immediate releif, or their Preservers horror struck at the spectres of Men. For any one to Conceive the picture of such poor miserable Beings, let him fancy that in his House he is in the moment of giving releif to Eighteen Men, whose ghastly countenances, but from the known Cause would be equally liable to affright as demand pity; let him view their limbs full of sores and their Bodies nothing but skin and Bones habited in Rags, and at last let him conceive he sees the Tears of Joy and gratitude flowing o'er their cheeks at their Benefactors. With the mixture of horror surprize and pity that his mind will be then agitated, were the People of Timor on giving us releif.

The Governor Mr. Willem Adriaan Van Este notwithstanding extreme ill health became so anxious to give us releif, that I saw him before the appointed time. He received me with great affection, and gave me the most demonstrative proofs of being possessed of every feeling of a humane and good man. Sorry as he was he said, that such a calamity could ever have happened to me, yet he considered it as the Greatest blessing of his life that I had fallen under his protection, and altho his infirmity was so great that he could not do the office of a Friend himself, yet he would issue such Orders as I might be certain would cause me to effect every Supply I wanted, in the mean time a House was hired for me, and untill matters could be properly regulated Victuals for every one were to be dressed at his own House. With respect to my people he said I might have room for them either at the Hospital or on board of Captain Spykermans ship which lay in the Road, and expressed much uneasyness that Coupang could not give them better accomodations, the House I was to have being the only one uninhabited; and the situation of the few families were such that they could not accomodate any one. These things I had therefore to consider of, I was however more disposed to talk of business than this Gentleman, whose feeling tortured him with my extreme wants and distress, to the releif of which, and elegant repast was put before me as the custom of the Country more than through design to alleviate my hunger, so that in this instance he happily blended in common politeness the greatest favor I could receive.

On my return to my people I found every kind releif had been given to them. The Surgeon had dressed their sores, and the cleaning of their persons were not less attended to, with several friendly Gifts of apparel.

I now desired to be shewen the House that was intended for me, & I found it ready with servants to attend and a particular one which the Governor had directed to be always about my person. The House consisted of a Hall with a Room at each end and a loft over head, and all round a Piazza with an outer apartment in one Corner, and a communication from the back part of the House to the Street. I therefore determined instead of letting my People out of my Sight, to take them all with me, and I instantly divided the House as follows. One Room I took to myself & the other I allotted to the Master, Doctor, Mr. Nelson the Botanist, and the Gunner. The Loft to the other Officers; and the outer apartment to the Men. The Hall was common to all the Officers, and the Men had the back Piazza. Of this I informed the Governor and he sent down chairs, Tables, Benches and other necessaries for the use of every one with some articles of Bedding.

I had promised the Governor on my leaving him, as it was his particular request, that he should be acquainted with every thing I stood in want of; but I now found it was only at particular times that he had a few moments of ease, and could attend to any thing; being in a dying State with an incurable fistula. For this reason all my transactions of business I found would be with a Mr. Timotheus Wanjon the second of this place the Governors Son in Law, who now also was contributing every way in his power to make our situation happy and agreeable. I was therefore misinformed by the seaman that Capt'n Spykerman was the next principal person to the Governor.

At Noon a very handsome Dinner was brought to the House which was sufficient to make persons more accustomed to plenty to eat too much, cautions therefore on that Head may be supposed to have had little effect, but I beleive few people in such a situation could have observed more moderation. The greatest danger I was apprehensive of was their getting Fruit.

Having seen every one enjoy this Meal of plenty I dined with Mr. Wanjon, but I found no extraordinary inclination to eat or drink, or did I find my Stomach able to bear any thing altho every article was most kindly thought of that was fit for me to make use of. Rest and quietness I considered the most necessary ingredients to my doing well, and I therefore retired to my Room which I found furnished with every convenience. But instead of rest, I found my mind more disposed to reflect on the sufferings I had gone through, of the failure of my expedition, but above all of the thanks due to Almighty God who had given me power to support and bear such heavy Calamities, and to enable me at last to be the means of Saving 18 Lives which would never otherwise have been thought of.

My situation as a Commander became burthened with more than mere bodily distresses, for besides what will readily be beleived (with respect to me) such as directing and pointing out the Route we were to go; I had to oblige every one to drag on a lingering life with a miserable allowance of support, and to find repeatedly the melancholy request of "Give us more Bread" combating a necessary resolution of refusal. This I so sacredly Stuck to that I brought eleven days allowance in with me, it is therefore evident that the least degree of inattention or want of care in the distribution of this article would have put an end to our existence; but from a Strict adherence to the agreement we set out with, it is equally certain if I had missed Timor, I could have pursued my Voyage to Java where at Passourwang or Sourabaya (from information I had got at the Cape of Good Hope[)] I knew I could get every thing I wanted.

Among the many melancholy circumstances that attend a Commander in my late Situation, is the Caprice and Ideas of ignorant peoples Voraciousness had I been incapable of acting would have carried the Boat on shore as soon as I had made the Island, without considering or knowing that Landing among the Malays might be as bad as among any other Indians. But exclusive of the Fatigue of the mind, to reflect on what I have in common undergone, I appear to be contemplating a Dream rather than a reality with the facts staring me in the Face.

When I reflect how providentialy our lives were saved at Tofoa by the Indians delaying their attack, and that with scarce any thing for forty Eight Days to support life we have crossed a Sea of more than 1200 leagues without shelter from the inclemency or protection from the Evils of the climates. When I reflect how natural it was to be expected that disease might have taken most of us off, besides the great probability of foundering at sea, and when I view the great good fortune we had to pass the unfriendly natives of other countries without accident, and at last happily to meet with the most friendly and best People to releive our distresses; it calls up a distracted mind of astonishment, and most humble gratitude and reverence to Almighty God. Through such blessings only could I bear with the failure of an expedition on which I had so much set my mind, had completed so far with such extraordinary success; and to which my King and the Honorable Promoters of so great and extensive a charity, I consider are regarding with great satisfaction and pleasure.

With respect to our own endeavors to preserve health during a course of 16 Days heavy and almost continual Rain, I could only recommend to every one to pull of[f] their cloaths and wring them out of the Sea water as often as they became filled with Rain, and it was the only resource we had for dry cloaths but we at last wrung all our cloaths to peices, for except the few days on the Coast of New Holland there never was any person who was not wet with Rain or Sea.

Thus happily ended through the assistance of Divine Providence without accident a Voyage of the most extraordinary nature that ever happened in the world, let it be taken in its extent duration and so much want of the necessaries of Life.

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