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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Apr 29, 1789

Rems in the Bountys Launch Wednesday 29th April 1789 at Tofoa

Happily the Afternoon kept Calm untill about 4 oClock, when we were so far to Windward that with a moderate Easterly breeze which sprung up we were able to sail. It was nevertheless dark when we got under Tofoa where I expected to land, but the shore proved to be so steep and Rocky that I was obliged to give up all thoughts of it and keep the Boat under the Island with two Oars, for there was no landing. Having fixed on this mode of proceeding for the night, I served to every person two Jills of Grog, and each took his rest in proportion as they reflected on their unhappy Situation.

In the Morning at dawn of day we set off along shore in search of landing, and about 10 oClock we discovered a Stoney Cove at the NW part of the Island where I dropt the Grapnel within 20 yards of the Rocks. A great deal of Surf run on the shore, but as I determined to increase our Original Stock of provisions rather than diminish it, I sent out Mr. Samuel and some others who climbed the Cliff to get into the Country to search for Supplies. The rest of us remained at the Cove after discovering no way to get into the Country but that by which Mr. Samuel had proceeded. I became happy to find the spirits and life of my people were raised, and that our miserable situation may be forever known to the World, I made an observation of the Latitude which determines this Cove to lie in 19°..41 So on the NW side of Tofoa, No. Westermost of the Friendly Islands. The whole Coast we have seen is an entire precipice. Towards Noon Mr. Samuel returned with a few Quarts of water which he had found in the holes, of the that [sic] he had met with no spring or any prospect of our wants being releived in that particular, and that he had only seen signs of the Island being inhabited. As it was impossible to say how much we might be in want, I only issued a morsel of Bread & a Glass of Wine to each person for Dinner.

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