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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Mar 29, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Sunday 29th March 1789

Strong Breezes moderating in the night with Showers of Rain Thunder and Lightning. Wind NEly. Thermr. 80° to 83°.

PM Scraped and Greased all the Masts. AM Dryed Sails and Received on board 237 Pots of Plants. Many Natives on board and supplies as usual. Sick List as yesterday.

At Day break this morning Tynah left me to bring on board my Sea stock of Cocoa nutts, and by noon returned with a very large quantity.

Many strangers are strolling about the district to catch what they can, however I have my Spys about who inform me of all their plans. My Principal person in this respect is Odiddee, who is a most faithfull & an attached Person to our Interest, and from his having but little information to give me, I of course have a more favorable opinion of the Natives in general, it may be nevertheless owing rather to want of opportunity just at this time then inclination. Some of my Gentlemen however find means through carelessness to lose thier Cloaths, but it is not so with the ships Furniture. Other reasons may be given for the former.