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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Jan 31, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Saturday 31st January 1789

Fair Wr with some light showers of Rain and Lightning Calm in middle part. Wind NE and ESE and Thermr. from 80° to 83½°.

This afternoon I punished Isaac Martin with 19 lashes for Striking an Indian. I had ordered him two dozen, but by the desire of Tynah he came off with less. Iddeeah and several people came on board to intercede for this man, but it was so violent a transgression among these friendly people, and so great a violation of my orders without any real cause but a supposition that the native had Stolen a peice of Iron Hoop from him, that nothing but the intercession of the Cheifs cleared him, and I therefore sent him back to his duty on shore.

In the morning cleared ship and sent all chests on shore and washed with boiling water to kill the Cockroaches. I set off early with Tynah for Matavai to show him the thriving state of some Indian Corn, but as he had taken his mornings dose of Ava he was so stupifyed that I could make but little of him. Iddeeah being with us, it was of no consequence for she is without exception the most quick and sensible person I know of. I first went to Poeeno's where we saw the Bull and Cow in a very fine pasture, and near to a very beautifull River. From the account of the People the Cow had again taken the Bull, so that I am thoroughly convinced a fine breed of Cattle may yet be established, unless some untoward accident happens to them.

I had sown and planted here a variety of things, but nothing has done well except a Fig Tree which is in a fine flourishing state, & three feet high. Two Vines and a Pine Apple, some Indian Corn and three slips of shaddock Tree. The Corn is Eared, and I hope from what I have told them they will cultivate it all over the Country.

I now walked to Point Venus which is about ¾ of a mile to see the Garden I had made there. This spot was particularly under the care of Tynahs People, and I therefore had sown all our valuable seeds, but to my


mortification the Hogs had destroyed every thing except some Greens and Indian Corn and some underground Pease. The Corn is in a very fine state and as I expect to see it fit for gathering before I sail I have little fear of making them Cultivate it. Melons and Cucumbers were entirely destroyed but next to the Indian Corn, the only thing that perhaps may remain is the Caliloo Green and Ocra. Many Pumpkin seeds were sown and thrive very well, but they have these already in the Country and are remarkably fine. I saw the Doctors Grave which was covered over with stones and the inscription to it as I left it.

I now returned to the ship with an Engagement with Tynah to go to the mountains and sow some Corn and seeds where no Hogs can get near them.

These people have now got so attached to me, that to my surprize Tynah and his Wife has proposed to go to England. He says he will only take two Servants, and that he is sure that King George will be glad to see him and will send him back with me in a large Ship. I had no other way to prevent his sollicitations, but by telling him his Wife would die with sea sickness. That if I came here again it would be in a larger ship, and that I would ask the Kings permission to bring them to England and have accomodations properly fitted up, which here could not be the Case. This was the only thing that satisfyed him besides laying an Injunction on me that when I came I was to show him Tongataboo and all the Lands about this Sea. Indeed Tynah is become frantick to get a knowledge of other Countrys. He is always enquiring about the situations of Islands and Countrys and remembers all the names that we have given to him.

He and many others have strange Ideas concerning some Islands in this Sea. Some they represent to have


Bullocks and Hogs with eight Legs. Others with Men with two faces who see both before and behind, and many such extraordinary stories which one would imagine were calculated to frighten children rather that to be supported as real facts.

There is a great deal due from England to this Man and his Family, by our connections with him and them we have brought him numberless Enemies. Their elligble situation for our ships has brought us intimately connected with them, and by this perhaps we have not only sown the seeds of discord but of revolution. On one side he has Attahooroo disposed to attack him, and on the other Tiaraboo ready for a total extirpation of his Authority, while he has an Enemy equal to the other two in Imeo (or Morea), who will venture any thing buoyed up by their former Successes. All those I am confident will on my leaving this Place make a joint Attack on this part of the Island, and these poor people will have no resource but to fly to the mountains and defend themselves there. It will certainly be against them, my not taking Vengeance on the Attahooroo and Morea people for taking away the Cattle and destroying part of them; and was it not for the particular trust that is reposed in me to complete the undertaking I am sent on, I would certainly adopt such means as to oblige those people to repent of their incursions.

I hope however, and have given Tynah and all the principal People reason to think, that they will never be forgot by us, because it will at any period or Case be justifiable in England to support the Otoo Family, and they have shown that faith and affection to the Erree no Pretanee as their expression is, as demands all our assistance and utmost efforts to defend them. If therefore these good and friendly people are to be destroyed from our intercourse with them, unless they have timely assistance, I think it the business of any of his Majestys ships that may come here to punish any such attempt.

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