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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Dec 28, 1788


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Oparre. Sunday 28th Decr. 1788

Fair Wr. with Fresh Breezes in the day with some Showers of Rain and light Variable Winds at Night. Therr. at 80° and 81°.

Cleaned ship and Bedding. Scrubbed Hammocks.

As we spent Christmass day in much fatigue and trouble, we kept it to day with as much ease and Chearfullness. I had all the cheifs to dine with me on shore, after exercising Great Guns and small arms in the morning and fireing which I thought ellegible on many accounts. It occasioned much conversation among the Natives who I beleive had not before considered us in so high a degree with respect to strength. As the ships company was divided into two Divisions and each of those into subdivisions an equal degree of fireing was kept up from each side which the cheifs readily supposed was the mode adopted on an attack. They were highly delighted at the prospect of this exercise, but they seemed not less so when it was over, for in the course of it they could scarcely support themselves through fear.

I receive sufficient supplies but they are not yet brought off to us so plentifully as at Matavai. Tynah has now fixed his dwelling close by the Post on shore, so that he still continues to render me essential services. His Brother Oreepyah is jealous on this Account and does not like his being here.