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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Dec 12, 1788


Remarks in Matavai Bay Friday 12th. Decemr. 1788

Moderate and fair Wr. with strong Breezes in the latter part. Wind at ESE. Principally employed drying Bread and mending Sails. The Bread proves full of Weevils and some damaged. Cleared Hawse. It took me the greatest part of this day to examine the Doctors effects and I directed his Cloaths to be prepared for Sale in the Afternoon. Sick List with Venereals as yesterday.

Tynah and most of the other Cheifs now became exceedingly inquisitive respecting what was to be done with the Doctors Cabbin. I could not for some time find out the meaninng of it but I at last discovered it was on account of Apparitions. They said when a man died in Otaheite and was carried to the Toopapow, as soon as the night came on he was surrounded by Spirits and if any person went there by himself they would devour him, and therefore desired that not less than two people should go to the Cabbin for some time to come. Altho I made a laugh of all they said to me, they still asserted it was the Case, and perhaps, it would not have been less ridiculous to have attempted to persuade them to the contrary, than many of my own Country Men. One may from this however trace the fears and Ideal consequences of death among these people, to be similar to a more civilized state.

I am sorry I cannot say any thing yet with certainty, if ever I am able to do it; on the subject which who ever may read this account perhaps may expect this circumstance would lead to.

I am still not satisfyed with the information I get respecting the Cause of the establishment of such a Society as the Erreeoys, but it appears to have been solely to prevent the overpopulation of the Island. An Erreeoy can have no children, and it is for that reason that the community grants them many immunities. They can command Food and Cloathing, are exempt from labour, and spend their [lives/days? Word missing in original.] in ease and disipation. If at any time they see a man or Woman well cloathed, they are at liberty to take any part or the


whole of it away.

A Man after being of the Society may marry and have children, he therefore loses his priveleges, but having had the Honor of being of the Society, he retains the name of Erreeoy affixing the name of married to it. So there are two set of Erreeoys. Once called Erreeoy Nahnownow and another Erreeoy rahigh the latter being the highest Rank. Nahnownow signifies married and do not kill their children.

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