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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Dec 7, 1788


Remarks in Matavai Bay. Sunday 7th Decemr. 1788

Squally Wr. with Calms and heavy Rain. The Wind generally between the North and NW and the Thermr. from 79° to 81°.

In the Afternoon some other Cannoes ventured off in one of which was Mr Nelson. The Sea was abated a little, but still was so high that we were obliged to secure every thing the same as at Sea. The Queen left me before Sun down, but her Husband remained all night with me, in the course of which he showed great anxiety about the safety of the ship. The morning brought little change in the Weather, however the sea broke less than it had done before, and having only a Swell in the Bay, we rode with no strain on the Cables and our situation was no longer alarming.

As it is the custom among these people whenever a Ship comes here, to have their seperate Friend or 'Tyo' as he is called so it has been the case among my people and Officers. Great friendship and disinterestedness from the Natives have been the result of this connection, for those who could not get a Cannoe to come off in, swam to the ship with bunches of Cocoanutts without any view of reward. At noon I saw the Queens party launching a Cannoe to come off to me. The Wr dark & gloomy but the clouds not so much motion from the NW.