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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Nov 7, 1788


Remarks in Matavai Bay Friday 7th Novemr. 1788

Moderate Winds and dark cloudy Wr. with a great deal of Rain. Much swell in the Bay. Wind generally westerly and at times Calm. Thermr. from 76° to 82°.

Employed airing sails and about the necessary duties of the ship. By this day at Noon we had 110 Plants potted. They are all kept on shore as Mr Nelson considers they will take root sooner and can be better attended to, and I have therefore sent seven Men and Officers with Mr Nelson and his assistant to take care of them and through the day I am generally on shore myself.

Tynah with some other Cheifs dined with me to day as usual, among whom was Poeeno, near whose House I directed Mr Nelson to plant a very fine Fig Tree I brought from the Cape of Good Hope and two Pine Apple Plants. At this place we had already planted a large plat of melons many of which are now above gound, and are taken great care of.

The Cabbin now nearly completed for the Plants, and by to morrow night will be ready to receive any of them Mr Nelson may think proper to send on board.

In my walks to day I saw a Man who had his nose and all the fore part of his upper Jaw eat away. He was a most horrid spectacle, but he was chearfull and did not appear to care for it. There was no matter in any part of his face, being covered with a dry scab. Every part else of him was perfectly free of any kind of sore, and therefore I do not conceive it has arisen from Venereal but a cancerous cause.

Sick list as yesterday.

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