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Revised 2010-05-05

Bounty Logbook Oct 30, 1788


Remarks in Matavai Bay Thursday 30th October 1788

Fresh Breezes with Rain and Lightning in the Middle and latter part and fresh Gales with heavy Rain towards Noon. Wind at Et and ENE and the Thermr from 81° to 79°.

Employed cleaning below and airing sails. Many Cannoes trading with Hogs, Breadfruit, Cocoa Nutts and several Goats.

After Dinner I returned to the shore to sow more seeds, all of which was done near the House of Poeeno the Cheif of Matavai. I now received a message from Otoo that he wanted to see me at his Brother Oreepyah's House which was near the Beach, and I accordingly attended him, as soon as I got there, a large peice of Cloth of 41 yards long and two wide was spread on the ground, and then cloathing me in the manner of the Cheifs with a peice stained of a red colour wrapt round my shoulders and waist, two large Hogs about 200 lbs each and a Quantity of baked Breadfruit and Cocoa Nutts were presented. A great number of people were now gathered on each side of the Cloth, and I was desired to walk from one end to the other and then back, which I did and seemed to please them very much, and the word Tyo or Friend was several times exchanged between us. Everything was now carryed to the Boat, but being rather deep, Otoo desired me to send the Boat back for him. As I lost no time in doing this, he was on board with his attendants in less than a half hour, and I again made him a valuable present. But I discovered that Otoo was not the sole proprietor of what he had given me, for the different articles were distrbuted to those who had contributed to support his dignity, among whom was Moannah Poeenos Father and Cheif of Matavai, who had before promised me one of these Hogs, however Otoo kept the greatest share of profit to himself, and yet every one seemed satisfyed with the proportion allotted to him. At Sun Down they all left me.

It is remarkable how the Otaheite breed of Hogs is effectually destroyed. We meet with none but of the European Kind, owing to the Natives prefering them to their own, which were of the China sort, and another of an inferior kind because they are of a larger size.

In the morning by Day break Otoo and his Wife came off again to the ship, and as their attendants were numerous my breakfast was considerable of Broiled and Roasted Pork, Tea not being agreeable to them. Several

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Cheifs joined us by Dinner time at Noon, among those were Marremarre and his son Po,ohaitaiah Otee Cheifs of Itteeah and Atta;hooroo, and some others of less Note. He fed as voraciously as usual and his Wife Iddeeah eat in private as before.

This forenoon I discovered that the hooks and thimbles of the Gun Tackles were cut out and Stolen. Oreepy,ah had brought off a Hook and thimble cut out of one of the Buitons and promised to get the others if possible, but Otoo gave himself no trouble about it. These were the first thefts I thought it necessary to take notice of, and therefore ordered every man except the Cheifs attendants out of the ship and this was not an easy matter to distinguish, however I accomplished it, but a daring fellow attacked the Centinel and would come in, making several blows with his stick. As I had not put it in the power of the Centinel to fire without orders, I was called, when he escaped narrowly with his life among the Crowd where I did not choose to fire lest an innocent person might suffer, and the offender after all get clear. Every one was excessively alarmed at my determination, and I hope it will be the last provocation I may meet with among them.

I find Otoo exceedingly jealous of whatever is given out of the ship to other Cheifs, and is the cause of his early visit. His Wife is a most admirable assistant to him, and I beleive they know of every person who has received any thing Valuable from us. I now became desirous of seeing the Royal residence at Oparre, that pretty spot in part belongs to his Brother Oreepyah with whom I have promised to go to morrow. I had not sooner made the engagement to go to Oparre, than Otoo heard of it and came to me to know if it was so. He reminded me of my promise of the Hogs to him, and I assured him I should fulfill it. The intent of my going to Oparre is for Mr Nelson to conveniently get a knowledge of what plants are there, to enable me finally to determine how I am to proceed.

I had forgot to mention that the young Cheif Po,ahaitaiah Otee was fed at Dinner in the same manner as Otoo, so that is a ceremony not peculiar to him.

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