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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Oct 26, 1788


HKFCoursesWindsTher.Rems. Sunday 26th. October 1788 Observations
16"W½NSEBE"Fine Wr. and a pleasant Trade. At 52′ past Noon the Body of Maitea S½E 3 Miles. Longd. by T K 211°..51′ Et
Latd . . . 17..53 S
444""79Maitea E½S 5 leags.
542 At 5h..18′ Latd. 17°..46′ S
Longd. T:K = 211°..28′..19″ E
Varian pr. Azimh
A Compass 6°..30′ E
 Do. Turned 5..51
B Compass 6..30
 Do. Turned 7..02 
 Mean  6..20 E
652"""Saw the South East part of Otaheite W¾S and Maitea E½S 8 leagues.
86""78At 7 the North part of Otaheite true W½N:
124677½In Steering Sails and left orders to run on untill the log gave us 25 leags from Maitea.


77Stood to the Northd under the Topsails.

Made Sail. Point Venus SWBW 4 leagues. At 18h..26′ Latd. 17°..25′ So
Longd. T:K 210°..29′..9″ E
I find the Isld Maitea
to lye in
Latitude .. 17°..53′ So
& East of Point
Venus . . . . 1°..24′ Et
854""77½Hauled in for Matavai when Meeting Varial Winds & Calms I was obliged to Anchor in 13 fms. West part of One Tree Hill SBE½E 1 Mile and Point Venus NE½E.
12""83Fair Wr and a strong Trade. Could not move the Ship. Vast Numbers of Natives with Hogs Bread Fruit & Cocoa Nutts.
Served Fruit to the People as much as they could eat.



I had no sooner got round the Reef of Point Venus than I was visited by a great number of Cannoes. Their first enquiries were if we were Tyos or Friends, and whether we came from Pretanee, which signifies Britain, or Rima which is Lima. I had no sooner satified them in this, than they crouded on board in vast numbers notwithstanding my endeavors to the contrary as I was working the Ship in; and in ten Minutes I could scarce find my own people. When I thought it very certain to have got well into the Bay it fell quite calm & I was obliged to Anchor in 13 fms. abreast of One Tree Hill. Several large Cannoes came off and several inferior Cheifs to whom I made freindly and liberal presents and received of two of the Cheifs a present of a Hog each and some Bread fruit and Cocoa Nuts. Cocoa Nuts were innumerable but the Breadfruit scarce. I enquired after Otoo, but could get no Satisfactory accounts of him, but by what I could understand, he was from home, and would be here in three or four days.

Captn. Cook was the first person asked after, and they said a Ship had been here who had told them he was dead, that the Ship had Sailed by some accounts 4 Months, and others only three and stayed here one Month, and they called the Captn Tonah. Sir Jos. Banks, Dr Solander, several others who were here in the Endeavor, and in the last Voyage particularly Mr. Williamson and the Serjeant of Marines were enquired after. Mr Nelson reported me to be the Son of Captn. Cook, whose death I had given orders, no one should speak of, and it seemed to please them very much. Omai and the Eldest New Zealand Boy they said were dead, and on enquiring if it was from being at War, they all said no, but that dyed of Epay no Etua, and the other from the Epay no Tettee, who they said was also a God, which proves that their mortal diseases are classed with their different Gods. All of the Natives behaved very honest and very glad to see us.

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