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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 28 2021

Bounty Logbook May 25-28, 1788


Week DaysMo DaysWindsTherRemarks in False Bay Cape of Good Hope
Sunday25thNW58½° Very Squally Wr. with frequent hard Rain. At One PM came on board an Officer from the Resident to enquire respecting the health of my People and to acquaint me In case I saluted the same Number of Guns would be returned, I therefore sent a Message to the Resident Mr. Brand that I should salute with 13 Guns which I did and was returned with the same Number. At 2 Moored ship with an Open Hawse to the NW Romans Rocks So.37Wt the Hospital So.72Wt. Noahs Ark So23Et about ¾ of a Mile from the Shore. Punished John Williams with 6 lashes for neglect of duty in heaving the Lead. Stocked the Sheat Anchor, bent the Cable and got it over the side. In the Morning I went on shore and directed that all hands should be served a pount of fresh Meat every day & Vegetables with Wine and soft Bread. Received accordingly.
Monday26NW58° Light Breezes & Calms with some small Rain at times. AM I directed that the Mizen Mast should be raised out of the Step &s; two feet cut off it, as it is too taut & Strains the Ship about the Quarters and it was done and the Rigging repaired and fitted. Loosed Sails to dry. Anchored the Beverwik Dutch East Indiaman from Holland, left the Downs the last day of Jany. Found the Bread in the Bread Room damaged which I ordered to be got up & examined into. Reced fresh Meat, Soft Bread, Cabbages & Cellery with Onions & Leeks & Wine. Took the Time Keeper on Shore.
Tuesday27Calm62½° Calm & fair Wr. Fixed a Tent on Shore for the Cooper, sent Empty Cask on shore. Empd Overhauling the Bread. Armourer employed on shore getting some necessary Iron Work made. The Carpenters began about the Birth Work of the Waist & Quarters. Unbent all Sails.


60¾°Fair Wr. Completed the Mizn Rigging & Stacked the yards & Gaff Beams & overhaul the Rigging in general. Sent empty Casks on shore. Spoke the French Ship. Carpenters repairing & fitting up the Birthing in the Waist, Received fresh Meat, Cabbages, Cellery, onions & Leeks. Emp'd about the Bread. Cooper & Armourer on shore.

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