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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 2
William Bligh to Colonel James Holwell

No. 2. Mr. Bligh to Col. Holwell

London 26th. Mar. 1790


I have just this Instant received your Letter. —with much Concern I inform you that your Nephew Peter Heywood is among the Mutineers: his Ingratitude to me is of the blackest Dye for I was a Father to him in every respect & he never once had an angry Word from me thro' the whole Course of the voyage as his Conduct always gave me much pleasure & satisfaction. I very much regret that so much Baseness form'd the Character of a young Man I had a real regard for, & it will give me much pleasure to hear that his Friends can bear the Loss of him without much Concern.

I am Sir

 your obt. serv't.

  Wm. Bligh.

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