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Fateful Voyage

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Revised 2012-06-20

Narrative of a Voyage to the South Sea
by William Bligh

Introduction and Contents
Chapter 1: The Expedition, Ship's Complement, To Spithead, Orders, The Breadfruit
Chapter 2: Departure, Tenerife, Attempt to Double Cape Horn, Bear away for Cape of Good Hope
Chapter 3: Miss Tristan da Cunha, Arrival False Bay, Grosvernor's People, Depart Cape of Good Hope
Chapter 4: Passage to Van Dieman's Land, Adventure Bay, Sail from Van Dieman's Land
Chapter 5: Discover Islands, See Maitea, Arrive at Otaheite
Chapter 6: Getting Acquainted
Chapter 7: A Theft Committed, A Wrestling Match
Chapter 8: Heavy Storm, Surgeon Dies, New Harbours Examined
Chapter 9: Move Ship, Three Desert, Deserters Recovered
Chapter 10: Ship's Cable Cut, Thief Punished, Preparations for Sailing
Chapter 11: Arrival of Arreoy Woman, Gift for King
Chapter 12: At Huaheine, Whytootackee Discovered, At Annamooke, Chiefs Detained
Chapter 13: Mutiny
Chapter 14: To Tofoa, Natives Attack, Escape
Chapter 15: Passage to New Holland
Chapter 16: Northward along the Coast of New Holland
Chapter 17: Passage to Timor, Arrive at Coupang
Chapter 18: At Coupang
Chapter 19: From Timor to Batavia
Chapter 20: Occurrances at Batavia and thence to England

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