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Revised May 17 2021

Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
Lambeth, London, Oct 24, 1790

N 14 Moor Place Lambeth
24th. Oct'r. 1790 

Dear Sir

I am happy to inform you that on Friday last I was most honorably acquitted respecting the loss of the Bounty. The sentence closed with, "You are hereby honorably acquitted." The Carpenter through exceeding great lenity of the Court received only a reprimand, & great part of my evidence was kept back as it affected his life, it was however all thrown away on the Wretch for he began to abuse & threaten some of the evidences as soon as he got on Shore. I came to Town on Saturday Night, & Yesterday Morning I waited on Lord Chatham who assured me of promotion as soon as he had been with the King. I am to be introduced to his Majesty on Wednesday, who I hope will be graciously pleased to make me Post. I am concernd at losing your kind assistance just at this time, but I hope and beg of you Dear Sir to do your endeavors to secure me the Rank of Post, for if this opportunity passes off, it may be lost forever.

Oct 4, 1790
Nov 4, 1790

I received your obliging letter of the 4th. Instant, since which the cause of my not writing to you was the daily suspence I was kept in respecting my tryal. As you have mentioned to me that you intend to be in Town on the 4th. of next month I feel peculiarly happy that it is so near at hand.

There were at Spithead 40 Sail of the Line. Admiral Cornish was to sail as yesterday with 5 Sail besides Frigates. The Pandora, if they don't forget, will sail in the beginning of the Month. She is not fitted or intended to carry any Plants.

My Court Martial consisted of ten Admirals besides Sir Roger Curtis, who sat as a Rear Admiral, being captain to the Commander in Chief. This was very much disliked, as there were eighteen older Captains than Sir Roger in the Fleet, & Captain Onslow [Anslow] & Kingsmill became junior members in the Court. Admiral Barrington was president.

I beg you will present my respectfull compliements to Lady & Miss Banks and I remain Dear Sir

Your most affectionate Hmble Servant Wm Bligh

To Sir Joseph Banks Bart.

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