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Revised May 17 2021

Bligh Letter to Joseph Banks
Bounty, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Jan 9, 1788

Bounty at Tenarif
Jan'y. 9th. 1788.

Dear Sir

I arrived here on Sunday after a passage of twelve days attended with very tempestuous weather. We had a severe Gale from the Channel until below Cape Finister, but the Wind fair which induced me to scud too long. The Sea was extremely high & by making several breaks over us, our Boats were much stove & our stern stove in, however we soon got the better of all this and are now perfectly in good order again. The ship behaves very well & is an excellent sea boat. My People are all healthy and well, and I have taken in some good wines which I think will be better for them in hot climates than the Spirits. I have taken two Hhds of the best quality for you which will be very fine on my return and equal to Madeira. Nelson is very well & is employed gathering what this place can give him but the season is unfavorable for every thing but seeds. I shall sail without fail to morrow morning having now nearly repaired all my damages, and I flatter myself with a speedy passage to the Cape. It is impossible to say where I may next touch at as I must regulate that according to Circumstances, but you may rely on my informing you by every opportunity how we go on in our Voyage. We are all in excellent spirits and I have still the greatest confidence of success in every part of the Voyage. The Governor is the Marquis de Brancheforté who has been anxious to render us every service.

Allow me Dear Sir to bid you Farewell. I wish you the most perfect enjoyment of health and on my return to see you well, will give the greatest pleasure to

Dear Sir Your very obedt. & affectionate Hmble Servant Wm Bligh

I have drawn on you for 15£
in favor of Mrs. Bligh [on/of?] order.

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