Rear-Admiral Bury Palliser to Admiralty
25 Apri1 1898.
It is a difficult question to decide what should be done for the welfare of this community, in regard to whom we have assumed a sort of moral responsibility. There is no doubt that they are deteriorating through the effects of inter-marriage and over population. A present of some live stock, bullocks, goats, pigs, also clothes and gardening tools, would meet present wants, but it is a question whether it would not be wiser, now these people have left their primitive ways and vice and crime are amongst them, to appoint a Governor of some sort in supreme command of the Island. I wish to refer their Lordships to a copy of a report by Captain Proby Doughty (forwarded herewith), which, though made years ago, seems to bear on the matter. It seems to be the absence of discipline and incentive to work that is chiefly the cause of this lack of moral fibre. Any who wish to leave the island should be_encouraged to do so. Even if they return, they will bring new ideas. (Signed) H. Bury Palliser.. Rear-Admiral, Commander in Chief. The Secretary to the ADMIRALTY. |
Rear-Admiral Henry St Leger Bury Palliser (1839 – 1907) was a Royal Navy officer who was appointed Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Station in 1896. [Wikipedia] |
Document no. 97. April 25, 1898. "Rear-Admiral Bury Palliser to Admiralty". Page 1614.
This transcription was made from a documents in a collection of documents at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Library.
Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, December 29, 2024.