Letter from Magistrate and Councillors to
Copy Honored Sir, We the undersigned Magistrate and Councillors of Pitcairns Island having after your departure, convened a public meeting of the inhabitants of this Island, and your propositions being carefully read over to the people, have the satisfaction to inform you, that not an objection is made by the inhabitants against one of Your Honours wise propositions, and that we together with the rest of the community do unanimously and fully acquiesce in your opinion, |
and will lose no time in attending to all your kind suggestions. We cannot conclude without expressing our grateful thanks to you for all your kindnesses to us especially for the late supply of sugar and tea you have so condescendingly presented to the community of Pitcairns Island. In conclusion we beg to say that we sincerely hope and pray that Almighty God will bless your earnest endeavours for our welfare both spiritual and temporal, and rest assured that our sincere prayers for your eternal happiness shall ever follow you. Subscribing ourselves yours affectionately, (signed) Arthur Quintal Junr. |
Pagination of the original autograph has been maintained. Sir Fairfax Moresby GCB (786 – 1877) was a Royal Navy officer. In 1850 Admiral Moresby became Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Station. His main responsibility was to protect British commercial interests in Valparaíso in the face of unrest among the people of Chile. He also took an interest in Pitcairn Islands at this time and planned the emigration of the islanders to Norfolk Island. |
Document no. 75. May 18, 1853. "Letter from Magistrate and Councillors to Rear-Admiral Moresby (Second enclosure to Moresby's letter of 31 December 1853)". Pages 1380 to 1383.
This transription was made from a documents in a collection of documents at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Library.
Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, December 29, 2024.