Colonial Office to Admiralty (Barrow)
[Downing Street]
26th October 1839 Sir John Barrow Bart Sir, I have laid before Lord John Russell your Letter of the 30 Ultimo enclosing an Extract from the Report of Captain Elliot late Commander of H.M.S. Fly on the present state of Pitcairn's Island. It appears to Lord John Russell that |
it will be highly desirable to adopt any practicable means of providing for the security of the Inhabitants. The only mode in which it occurs to Lord John Russell that this could at present be done would be by furnishing the Inhabitants with some Arms for their protection. His Lordship would |
therefore suggest to the Lords Commrs. of the Admiralty the propriety of sending by the next Ship of War calling at the Island a supply of fifty Cutlasses with some Fire Arms and an adequate quantity of Ammunition. I am —
Pagination of the original autograph has been maintained. Captain Russell Elliott (later Admiral) was commander of H.M.S. Fly who visited Pitcairn's Island in November 1838. His action there instituted the first formal government on the island. Lord John Russell was Secretary of State for War and the Colonies (30 August 1839 – 30 August 1841). John Barrow was Second Secretary to the Admiralty (22 May 1804 – 28 April 1845). |
Document no. 64. Oct 26, 1839. "Colonial Office to Admiralty (Barrow)." Pages 1260 to 1265.
This transription was made from the collection of documents at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Library.
Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, December 29, 2024.