[Written for The Flag of our Union.]
We returned to the " Woodlark's " nest in time for breakfast, after which we turned in for a forenoon nap, Dave Bryant taking charge of the gang to skin and collect the blubber of all animals bearing our mark, which we had slain in our nocturnal ramble. He was, also, vested with authority to kill more, but only to a limited extent, and was to permit no one of our party to destroy an elephant below the standard size. Fatigued by our jaunt, we were soon in dreamland, but our " watch below " was of short duration. The cook took the liberty to rouse us with the information that a strange schooner, newly-arrived, had anchored off the Point, directly opposite our house, and was sending her boats ashore. We turned out at once to greet the newcomers, who reported their vessel as the "Argyle," fitted out at Cape Town, not as tender to a ship, but to work on her own account. While some of her force were busied in landing the materials for building their house, a boat's crew landed just below the Glacier, and followed the beach down, killing and marking everything that came in their way. We learned from Bryant and Burdick, whom we encountered near the Wreck, that the "Adelaide's" party, with whom no understanding had yet been had, were below us, also carrying on an indiscriminate slaughter. "It's of no use, then, Burdick, our struggling any longer to regulate this business," said Fielding. "We shall be losing ground if we don't work under the same system, or, rather, want of system, as our neighbors." "Very well," answered Burdick. "Our agreement, then, is at an end, and we will issue orders to our men to destroy everything that hauls, large or small." "Yes. 'Make hay while the sun shines,' for we shall soon find the elephant scarce enough. One season will be sufficient to work out this Point, like the ether beach, up in the Bight there." Meantime our party were working like beavers, and had already accumulated a stout heap of blubber at the edge of the Pond. The operation of skinning, after a little practice, is performed very quickly, and as the fat is then slashed off in convenient " horse-pieces," so-called; a hole or slit is cut with the knife in the middle of each piece, for the convenience of slipping it on the "backing-pole." This is a stout, hickory staff, such as is used for harpoon-poles, and the load is borne between two men, an end of the pole resting on the shoulder of each. In this manner it is all transported to the Pond, be the distance more or less, and is then rafted on ropes and moored, to soak two or three days in fresh water. Proctor's boat was still lying on the beach where she had been hauled up the day before, and the young lady and her father still occupied the cabin of the "Daphne;" but none of the Englishmen had yet come down to secure the beasts killed the previous day. McDougal acknowledged his inability to accomplish anything, as he had found a barrel of rum on broach at the shanty, and all hands, including Aleck Proctor and Martin, his own crew and the bark's, either roaring drunk, or fast approximating to that happy condition. There would be no work done for the present, but he trusted a couple of days, at the farthest, would be sufficient for them to drink and waste the remnant of the barrel. "And that," said he," is the last they will get this season." We asked no questions, readily understanding that he had " disposed of it," pursuant to the hint thrown out by Fielding at our night interview. Only one barrel had been rolled up to the house the day before, and this by Proctor's orders. The remaining nine had been left near the beach, tiered among the casks of provisions. This comprised nearly the whole stock belonging to the expedition, as very little had been sent out in the bark. It was a great relief to the two beachheaders, Fielding and Burdick, to know that no further trouble was to grow out of the liquor, for the knowledge of so large a stock being on shore among us, had been a source of uneasiness to them, knowing the great difficulty of controling a.gang of men under the peculiar circumstances of our position. The bottom of the first barrel was found much sooner than McDougal had expected. After completing a hard day's work, we were returning up the beach, and were but a short distance from the Wreck, when a group of men, six or eight in number, were seen staggering down towards us, from the direction of Daphne Cottage. As they drew nearer, the dumpy form of Proctor was distinguishable among them," hail-fellow-wellmet " with his subordinates, all scuffling and pushing, and roaring snatches of coarse songs. He was seen to point with his hand, and the whole party changed the direction of their unsteady march, heading towards the tiers of casks. "Now there'll be trouble here," observed Fielding. "Let's stop and see this thing through. No harm must come to McDougal or to his daughter." We halted for several others of our party, who were a short distance behind us, to come up. These were soon given to understand the state of affairs, and disposed themselves round the stern of the Wreck, where they could reconnoitre without being seen themselves. The next arrivals were Burdick, and several of his force, while others were in sight, scattered in small groups at various distances along the Point, all moving leisurely homeward. No warmer auxiliary in our cause could have been found, in the event of a collision growing out of the affair, than the roughand¦ready, impulsive mate of the" Ripple," brave as a lion, and inspired with the utmost hatred and contempt for Proctor and his "little satellite," as he called Martin. "Let him come down here if he wants a row," said Burdick, enjoying the prospect of it with the greatest gusto. "I've got some lads coming up, here astern of me, that will polish him off. I'm glad that we are well rid of that infernal rum. You've done a good job, McDougal," he said, addressing the captain, who stood coolly observing the movements of the drunken party from the quarter-deck of the brig. "We'll see you well through it." "Thank you." answered the captain. "I am ready to meet the consequences of what I have done, so far as I myself am concerned. But there is no telling what an intoxicated crowd may do in their madness; and it is for Caroline's sake that I am anxious, though I don't think any of the brig's crew would insult her. I couldn't answer so well for Proctor's men, however." "Don't be uneasy, captain," said Fielding; "there's no sober man on the beach that will see any harm come to her, or to you, either." Proctor and his men had by this time reached the barrels. The first comer seized one by the chains, and gave a vigorous pull upon it to break it out of the tier. But the empty barrel, yielding easily to the disproportionate force employed, threw him from his tottering balance, and he landed on his back in the beach sand, with the barrel on top of his legs. Proctor and the rest set up a drunken laugh, and pressed forward; but their laughter was changed to a volley of oaths, as they became aware of the true state of the case. The captain himself picked up a stone, and, thumping each barrel in turn, satisfied himself that all were empty. McDougal had done his work thoroughly. An inch hole had been bored in each barrel, and they had been rolled back into the tier with the holes exactly down, so that their entire contents had run out into the ground. The rage of Proctor at this discovery was fearful to any one who knew not the blustering, cowardly character of the man. though it had little effect upon McDougal, or upon our immediate parly. He cursed everybody and everything; shook his fist in the direction of the Wreck, and harangued his men loudly, urging an immediate attack, that they might inflict summary vengeance upon McDougal, who, of course, was the first person upon whom his suspicions would naturally fall. But one of his men, not quite so blinded by passion, appeared to suggest to him the difficulties of the undertaking. As the party were unarmed, and the captain of the "Daphne" had all the advantages of position, it would seem that discretion was the better part of valor. He had coolly watched all their proceedings, too, and, of course, was not to be taken by surprise. All this time. Proctor knew nothing of our presence, for we h.\d chosen positions with the view of concealment. The approaching groups of stragglers were also effectually hidden from the sight of any one a short distance inland, by reason of the declivity of the beach. While the disappointed party fell back for arms and reinforcements, ours were constantly increasing by fresh arrivals, till the force drawn up near the Wreck far outnumbered all that they ceuld bring to the attack. Warner of the "Adelaide," a tall, bony man, of grave aspect, and general rural apapearance, looking like anything but a seaman, had joined us with some of his men, and our own " Woodlarks" were all reunited, discussing the affair in all its bearings, as they leaned upon their lances and backingpoles. "You don't suppose," said Warner, " that they have drunk a whole barrel of rum since last night, do ye?" "No, of course not," replied Burdick. "Most likely they've wasted the heft of it. Some drunken fool has left the spile running. So much the better; it is all the sooner got rid of." "What do you mean to do, Fielding, if they come down here to make a rew?" asked Warner. "Shall we all go on board the brig, or shall we go up the beach and meet 'em half way?" "Neither," replied our leader. "We'll go on board the brig, half a dozen of us, and lie close. We'll keep the rest of the men under cover on the off side of the brig, and the surprise will do the whole work. We don't want to hurt anybody if it can be avoided, only to protect McDougal and the young lady till these fellows get over their spree. When they are sober, they'll be ashamed of it themselves." "I don't want to hurt any of the crow," said Burdick, "but I've no qualms of conscience about knocking over Aleck Proctor, or that little sneak of a Martin." "There they come, now," said Fielding. "Keep close now, boys, behind the Wreck, till you get the signal to appear," he said to the main body of the force. Come, let's go aboard, us, and keep close for a surprise." We climbed up the main-chains, and jumped in on deck, where McDougal sat, coolly awaiting the coming of the infuriated mob. It was growing dark, and their voices could be heard before they could be seen, against the background of the Rookery Bluff. Caroline came on deck, and saluting us all with a grateful look, took her stand by her father's side. She was grave and quiet, but did not appear in the least terrified, nor even " nervous." To her father's request that she should remain below, she answered gently, but firmly:— "If you are to face the storm here, father, I shall remain with you. Do not ask me to go below. I will prove myself equal to the occasion, and will show you that I can even fight in your defence, if necessary." "But there will be no occasion to fight. Thanks to my kind friends here, we are strong enough to manage the affair without it." "Well, perhaps," she said, " my presence may be a restraint upon the fury of these intoxicated men. Upon your own crew, father, our own men of the 'Daphne,' I know it will. They would never injure me, perhaps not you while I am by your side. Let me stay, father." As the assailants approached so as to come fully into view, we counted twenty figures, being the whole force, both of McDougal's own men and the boat's crew from the bark. But a considerable part of them, comprising, of course, the soberest and best disposed men, hung back, apparently having come rather as spectators than as combatants. Proctor and Martin, with four or five of the most intoxicated, formed a vanguard, and rushed forward to within a few yards of the brig's side. "McDougal," roared the captain, "did you bore the holes in those barrels of rum?" "I did, sir," was the cool and ready answer. "Come ashore here! 1 want to see you!" "Hardly," answered McDougal. "I shall not leave my daughter unprotected, nor shall I be arraigned before all hands for what I have done. If you wished to talk with me, you could have seen me alone. You can do so now, by coming on board." "But I order you to come ashore!" roared Proctor, beside himself with rage. "Do you hear my orders?" "I do; but under the circumstances, I shall venture to disobey." "Come on, with me! Board the brig, and drag him out here! I'll see whether he shall set me at defiance, and then take shelter under the lee of a petticoat!" No opposition was offered on our part as he climbed on board; indeed, none of us had been in sight up to this time, and Captain McDougal and the young girl were supposed to be the only occupants of the Wreck. "So you'll make me come to you, will ye?" said Proctor, drawing a pistol from the breast of his jacket, as he secured his footing on the deck. "Disobey my orders, will ye?" He had no time to cock the pistol, however, ere it was knocked from his grasp, over the rail, and he found himself face to face with Fielding. "You here, interfering again! " he yelled, foaming at the mouth with passion. "What are you doing on board of my vessel? Help, here!" he shouted to his men on shore. "Belay that, Aleck Proctor!" said Burdick, rising up, like Banquo's ghost. "If you want to talk with Captain McDougal, here he is; but we want no pistols used, and no mobs of drunken men." He raised his fingers to his mouth, and blew a shrill whistle, which was understood by the party on the off side of the Wreck. Some of Proctor's gang had rushed forward at his cry for help, but found themselves surrounded by our whole force. Struck dumb with astonishment at the unexpected appearance of some thirty armed men rushing round the bows and stern of the brig, they were secured as prisoners, while their more lukewarm and sober companions slunk away up the beach. Their leader was left alone, or nearly so, only Martin having succeeded in getting on board. "Now, Captain Proctor," said McDougal, "if you have anything to say to me, say it like a man, and I am ready to hear it." "What did you let out the liquor for?" "To put an end to such disgraceful scenes as this. It is all gone, now, and to-morrow we will go to work, and attend to the business that brought us here." "You shall pay for every gallon of it, when we get home!" "Very well. I'll take my chance of that. Do you make your own statement of the affair, and I will make mine." "You've destroyed stores sent out for the benefit of all hands!" "They might have been a benefit to all hands if properly used. As we have lost the labor of all hands for a whole day «f fair weather, and left our elephants to rot in the hide, I don't see where the benefit comes in." "You've disobeyed my orders!" "You've given no orders since you came ashore that any sensible or sober man ought to obey." "That's not for you to judge!" "I think it is. If you choose to make a beast of yourself, and destroy your own judgment, others must use theirs." "I'll let you know who's master of this expedition! I'll work you up before I've done with you! you, and your fine young lady there, too!" Proctor had struck the sensitive chord at last, and had roused all the lion in the usually patient and forbearing father. McDougal made a spring from his place by the companionway, seized him by the throat, and came heavily with him to the deck. "Father! father! hold!" cried the young girl, who knew something of his nature. "Separate them! Do!" said she, with an appealing look around. "Father'll kill him if you don't!" "Avast there!" cried Burdick, as we all rallied to part the combatants. "Let him up, McDougal! Let him up, I say!" The infuriated father was held by main force, and Proctor, black in the face and gasping for breath, was helped to his feet. "This thing has gone far enough!" said Fielding. "Captain Proctor, this beach isn't big enough for you and the rest of us to live on. You'll go on board the ;Garrick' to-morrow morning—and stay there! You will, of course, appoint whom you please to do your beach-work, but you can't stay here." "We've sworn it," added Burdick, "Fielding, Warner and myself. If you don't go of your own accord, we'll run you off the beach." The crestfallen bully, half choked and more than half sobered, slunk away on shore. His little toady, Martin, who was in the maudlin stage of drunkenness, was suddenly inspired with an insane idea of making love to Miss McDougal. Approaching her with evident amorous intent, he found himself in the athletic embrace of Dave Bryiant, and was thrown over the taffrail upon the sand beach without ceremony. The English crew, most of them by this time, heartily ashamed of the part they had played, regurned to their shanty; and, a guard having been detailed to remain in the Wreck, the main body of our party dispersed to their respective quarters. |
Source:W. H. Macy
This publication may be found in the ProQuest/American Periodicals collection.
Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, January 08, 2025.