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"Prepared from a late file of the Sandwich Island Gazette, published at Honolulu Island of Oahu — Interspersed with Reflections on the condition, prospects, customs, trade, inhabitants, topograpy, climate, and other peculiarities of that interesting group of islands." We received the other day a very neatly done up package, tied in the usual form with twine, and on the envelope of 'whitey brown' the well known words "Please Exchange." On opening the same we found it was a file of the "Sandwich Island Gazette," complete from No. 1, July 30th, 1836, to Nov 19th, printed at the imperial city of Honolulu, Oahu, in the Kingdom of Tamehameha, in the middle of one of the groupes of Savage Islands in the Pacific ... . . . .
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Man Missing. — The boy, Frederick Dowley, of the British whale-ship Partridge, which touched at the Bonin Islands 1831, went in search of turtle, and was left behind. "No traces of him, or his body or bones, were ever subsequently ascertained." The Editor dryly adds, "There are numbers of wild hogs on the islands." . . . .
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Arrival of American Vessels of War. — The arrival of the United States schooner Enterprise, Lieut. Commandant Hollins, September 6th , 1836 , from the Bonin Islands, caused the utmost delight. The Editor bursts out in expressions of patriotism and gratitude. "Isolated as we are from our father-land,” &c. "we greet with more than heartfelt welcome the extended hand of protection from our civilized home. "How delightful to hear such music as this from our own kindred blood, so far removed from us! Then again he says , "Strangers in a foreign land, exposed to the hard rubs of those who may seek our inconvenience, we cannot be too grateful to the kind country who has sent its ambassadors to speak forth assistance." "As we are but sojourners in this land of distance, we should bear strictly in mind our citizenship of a far off country. ”He hopes those "who come here in big ships with our country's honors and our country's confidence" (endeared epithets), will be "unprejudiced protectors," siding with no sect. The United States sloop of war Peacock, Captain Kennedy, came September 8th. The Editor exclaims in rapture, "She is a glorious sight. Thank fortune she has come!" |
The Captain of the Enterprise, with some of his officers, called on his Majesty September 9th, "at the house of Kanaina;" salutes were exchanged with the fort. The Acting Purser of the Enterprise died at sea after leaving the Bonin Islands. . . . .
"A Succinct Account of the Sandwich Islands."
This transcription was made from the volume at Google Books.
Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, Nov 18 2022