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PUNTA MORENO Isabela Island

Permitted Uses:  Interpretive Group Tour with a Naturalist GuidePhotography and filming Guided walks Associated Activities authorized by the GNPS in the itineraries of Authorized Vessels

Punta Moreno is located on the north coast of Isabela Island between the volcano Sierra Negra and Cerro Azul volcano. The distance of the trail is about 2100 meters, and runs along a lava flow Pahohoe (solidified lava in the form of corrugated or an accordion) into a complex of coastal lagoons. 

The vegetation found in the area is small and concentrated mainly in the mangrove area and around the lakes. It should be noted that the three kinds of cacti are found here. 

The main attractions at Punta Moreno are coastal lagoons amid black lava flows where there are several species of birds. It has a panoramic view of three volcanoes, the most active of the Galapagos that are Sierra Negra, Cerro Azul of Isabela Island and La Cumbre of Fernandina Island. 

Click on the illustration to enlarge.

The population of wild dogs that existed on this site fed on marine iguanas, sea lions and other marine species and drank the abundant brackish water present here. These dogs were eliminated in 1980.

Special Indications

  • Do not frighten the Flamingos. They are sensitive to noise and get scared easily. Stay within the group.

  • The road to the large lagoon is long you have to cross 700m of broken lava, where it is difficult to walk. Wear comfortable and appropriate shoes for this type of hike.  

  • Due to high temperatures, especially during the hot season (December to May), it is better to take the early hours of the day or late afternoon due to type of terrain and strong sunshine.