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PUNTA CORMORANT Floreana Island 

Permitted Uses:    Interpretive Group Tour with a Naturalist Guide
Photography and filming   Guided walks    Associated Activities authorized by the GNPS in the itineraries of Authorized Vessels

The visitor site Punta Cormorant is located on the north coast of Floreana Island. The trail has an approximate distance of 720 meters; the same goes for a lagoon, vistas and a fine sand beach. 

In the lagoon one can find a large population of flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber) and on the beach a nesting area for sea turtles (Chelonia mydas). Also you can see other species of flora and fauna. 

At Punta Cormorant there are two plant species endemic to the place: Scalesia vellosa and Lecocarpus pinaffitidus.

The beach landing contains a large amount of olivine crystals, giving it greenish color. These crystals have been expelled from the wind of nearby tuff cones.

Click on the illustration to enlarge.

The glass was formed when the magma was still underground. Its content is of magnesium, iron and silica.

There is a beach composed of polished Hermatypic coral sand, the reason for its smooth texture. These types of areas are ideal for stingrays, which prefer places with surf that has fine sand, which allows them to escape natural predators.

Special Indications

  • No swimming from the white sand beach. Be careful not to step on the rays that frequent this site. A prick on the foot from them can be dangerous.  

  • On the white sand beach, do not step on the sand above the high tide level, because it is a nesting site for sea turtles and you could crush their eggs, and/or disturb the females that rest on the shore.

  • Near the landing site is an ideal place for snorkeling.

  • Vegetation must be treated carefully, if you want to see the form or smell any plant, do so without lacerating or breaking them.